Now you're under my spell...
When you see the word presto you will obey my suggestion
When you see the word presto you will obey my suggestion
i'm vardo5. My real name is just as cool but there's no number in it. i'm a little old to be on Gaia but my maturity level is far lower than it should be so it's cool.
i work as a carpenter but my passions are magic and juggling. i perform magic shows occasionally and often juggle on the street with my hat out. i went to college for stand-up comedy. No joke.
i change and grow; ebb and flow.
i soothe my soul with rock and roll
and lose my mind by rocking bowls.
Canada is better than your country.

Oh and i want Alruna's Rose. Presto. You will give vardo5 Alruna's Rose...