Lookit what I got!!

LOL! That Invisibles #1 in the background was robbed of its bag and board for my personal mint copy.
*A note to investors: I'll begin shipping no later than the 28th. Please have any materials you wanted to send to me by the 25th. Thanks so much, you guys!!
OMG, this has been one of the happiest days of my life! Right up there with my wedding! I imagine this must be what it feels like to hold your newnborn baby in your arms for the first time. I can't believe how well the print turned out. OMFG! The detail blew my mind. I must get more of these. MUST. After seeing these, I want 2 and 3 so bad!! You have no idea. *foams at the mouth*
Okay... trying to calm down. Not gonna happen. XD