[16:25] elephanteats: helo u still there?
[16:26] Meebo Message: bennyrocks23 is offline
[16:26] Meebo Message: bennyrocks23 is mobile
[16:26] bennyrocks23: Yup
[16:26] bennyrocks23: aight ughh im tired
[16:27] elephanteats: hahah i thought u left me for a minute there
[16:28] bennyrocks23: lol i woudnt leave u xP
[16:28] elephanteats: ohhhh ok...
[16:29] elephanteats: whens ur bday?
[16:29] bennyrocks23: apirl 17 why?
[16:29] elephanteats: ohh cause i forgot when it was xD
[16:30] elephanteats: and i need to mark my calendar ; )
[16:30] bennyrocks23: ohh ok r u plannin something???.......
[16:30] elephanteats: idk....
[16:30] elephanteats: hahah
[16:30] bennyrocks23: ohh ok......
[16:30] elephanteats: and ummmm so u know im flip and u are?
[16:31] bennyrocks23: ?
[16:31] bennyrocks23: iunno?
[16:31] elephanteats: lmao sorry im filipino (flip for short)
[16:31] elephanteats: and u are?
[16:32] bennyrocks23: Wut do u mean?
[16:33] elephanteats: hahah so my race is filipino and ur race is? (another question my friends are asking)
[16:33] bennyrocks23: ohhh hispanic and lol part filipino
[16:33] elephanteats: really?
[16:33] bennyrocks23: Yup
[16:33] elephanteats: u dont look filipino.....for reals...u dont...but thats cool.
[16:33] bennyrocks23: like 45 percent phillipino
[16:33] bennyrocks23: and 55 hispanic
[16:34] elephanteats: hahah cool.
[16:34] elephanteats: ur mom or dad is filipino?
[16:34] bennyrocks23: yea i got my moms look my dad is the filipino one
[16:34] elephanteats: cool...im full asian.
[16:34] elephanteats: lmao
[16:35] bennyrocks23: Lol huh
[16:35] bennyrocks23: thts fubby
[16:35] bennyrocks23: funny*
[16:35] bennyrocks23: damn school is cool so far
[16:35] elephanteats: lol nice typo. and how so is it funny?
[16:35] elephanteats: ehhh i hate my school.
[16:36] bennyrocks23: nvm
[16:36] bennyrocks23: lol why?
[16:36] Meebo Message: bennyrocks23 is offline
[16:37] Meebo Message: bennyrocks23 is offline
[16:37] Meebo Message: bennyrocks23 is mobile
[16:37] elephanteats: cause ummm the princial sucks
[16:37] Meebo Message: bennyrocks23 is offline
[16:37] bennyrocks23: Gtg my batery is low ily bye
[16:37] elephanteats: kk bye ilu
[16:38] elephanteats: see u tomorrow xP
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LOL. Something i came up with.
LOL. as i said before.
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