Total Value: 1,223,449 Gold, 540 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Decorative Daisy
Lovely Genie Silver Lamp
Gift Box
Oisin's Blessing
Fallen Wish 9th Gen.
Sugarplum Slippers
Diapered Egg 3rd gen.
Cherry Blossom
edited first dream avi sweatdrop

Total Value: 196,473 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Diapered Egg
Sugarplum Slippers
Angelic Lace
Gift Box
Cherry Blossom
after i get diapered egg i will still try to complete my first dream avi if i can!! 3nodding
whee donations whee
Blush Rose- Cherry Blossom, Angelic Lace!! heart
Aciey- 20k heart
MitSuki_Cece- 1k heart
quest complete (June 26, 2009)!! 4laugh thx so much for the help!!