She was the slave/pet.

He was the master.
She did whatever he commanded.

One day,while she was doing her"slave work"he confronted her.

"Are you happy here?"
She would always answer yes but not this time,instead she answered truthfull with a question."Why am I here? Why am I treated this way?"

He looked dumbfounded.He whispered"Because I'm lonely.Louder he then said"Because,your family came to me,asking me to raise you and protect you from harm"
"All this time I thougt you were heartless."He had smacked her,not on purpose,well sorta.So she fell to the floor looking up at him,in totally shock.

"I'm sorry" He said. "Don't be!"She said crying running up to her room.He followed her,he knew were she'd gone because there was a blood track."A bit too hard?" He said yelling at himself in thoughts.

She sat there,slowly stopping crying.
He started to open the door slowly.She yelled"Not decent!" Truthfully he didn't care,for she was beautiful in everyway."It's okay with me"He said. He walked in and sat on a couch.

He looked at her,she looked at him.Their eyes meet,he got up and waled to her,she stood up.He kissed her,she loved it.

He ripped of his shirt,and her dress,and put her up against the wall.

She always wondered if he liked her,but now she truely know her loved her."I'm sorry for how I always treated you."He said putting her down."I shall keep you shackled no longer,you are free."He turned around ,and as he was leaving he was tackled to the ground.

They eventionally they got married.

They lived happily ever after.