Well Kids, It Seems I've Reached a Dilemma.
If you don't know what this is,

In all seriousness, it's pretty safe to say that if you're reading this, you've at least heard of this book, even if you're not a screaming fan girl or one of those people who has nothing better to do than to sit around bitching about how much they hate Twilight. (Hey look, Jbird's a hypocrite.)
I decided to try to read the book, just to see what all the fuss was about. I got less than 50 pages in before I realized that it sucked. But it sold well. It was a fad. It made Stephenie Meyer rich. And that's how I got to thinking that if I wanted to be a successful writer, I'd have to write things like Twilight.
So I gave up on writing.
A few months later, I realized that I couldn't just stop writing. By now, I've come to the conclusion that for me, writing means living in a box and hoping that one of my books will one day be considered "not appreciated in its own time" or some other BS like that.
But now I'm thinking: this is my future, right?? I'd read far enough into the book to see why everyone hates it. Maybe I need to read more, see why people like it. Most of the problems I have with Twilight come from the fact that I'm a writer, yeah?? Let's see:
Reasons to Hate Twilight:
-Underdeveloped Characters. Bella is a Mary-Sue written so that everyone who reads it thinks they can "relate" to her.
-The story itself has been used a million times. He's a vampire. She's human. They can't be together, but they're in love. To all of those who think otherwise, this is NOT an original plot.
-The writing itself reminds me of when I was in the 7th grade. Again, writer's problem.
-The feminist issues. This doesn't seem to come up very much, but when it does, you get hell. Take a good look at Bella and her relationship with Edward. She's pathetic and he's abusive. It reminds me too much of Jon and Kate (Not plus 8. If you don't know who I'm talking about, it doesn't concern you.) I'm not a big feminist myself, but...Ugh.
Reasons to Read Twilight:
-The aforementioned issues
-I can stop getting hell for not reading it
-If I still hate it, I have more grounds to do so
-The covers are so pretty heart
-Rosemary and Rebecca have read it, so not all the fans can be screaming fan girls/complete idiots.
So. I'll read it again. But this time, I won't read it with high expectations. Or low expectations. Or any, for that matter. I'll read it as if my 11-year-old brother Jason had just written it for school in 20 minutes and was asking me what I think. We'll see how it goes.