Let me tell you about the time we payed the Earleigh Heights Carnival a visit over the Summer of 2009.
Me, and many others for a friend of mine's "suprise" party (Yes Mary ... we were shocked to find out you KNEW about it...-stares at you-) went to the carnival later that evening. I rode quite a few daring rides and I convinced even my boyfriend to ride The Street Fighter which is a ride with a set of four sections in a circle that seats five people each. It spins around and around and swings side to side like a pendulum higher and higher each time. The next thing you know, you'r face is about 50 feet in the air or more and you're at an acute angle of atleast 70 or 75 degrees. (For those math wizzes that can picture that in your head, that's easy. >w< wink Another ride I went on was The Zipper and it's a ride that I'm sure you are all aware of. It's in the shape of a pill, very oblong and with rounded edges, and it spins you around 360 degrees lifting you up in the air. *Note* The sets of seats that seat two people swing freely as the base of the ride moves and lifts you up high off the ground. You literally have to hold on for dear life, even though the seats are caged. I also rode some Bumper Cars. Yes we took some pictures here and there, but I think some of the friends I went with may have more. I only took pictures of the sunset. It was absolutely the most beautiful sunset I'd ever seen. Actually...scratch that, the SECOND most beautiful sunset I've ever seen. I was once coming home from the supermarket with my mom and grandma, and I looked out the car window and there it was...this bright, dark orange and red-tinted circle that was practically kissing the horizon. It was so breathtaking. It didn't give off any orange aura, it was just a bright circle, and I was absolutely stunned. I literally was speechless, and for a moment there, my heart had skipped a beat like when you fall in love for the first time. It was at that moment that I had made up my mind. I want to be a Photographer.