(Rancho Campus) Tuesday/Thursday 11 - 12:20PM (Hist 17) 1:30 - 3:20 (Music 3A)
School Related
Gaia Shop Related

January 2010
1st - New Years Day!
2nd - Take down Dot's Holiday Event
3rd -
4th - Hang out with Laura
5th -
6th - Get ready for school.
7th - End shop auction.
8th - Give shop to the winner.
9th - See Sarah and Babies. Help Jason Pack.
10th - Help Jason Pack.
11th - School starts
12th -
13th -
14th -
15th - Disneyland! YAY!
16th -
17th -
18th - No School
19th -
20th -
21st -
22nd - Quartzite
23rd - Quartzite
24th - Jason Leaving. Put up V-Day Events
25th -
26th -
27th -
28th -
29th -
30th -
31st -
1st -
2nd -
3rd -
4th -
5th -
6th -
7th -
8th -
9th - Open up Panty Auction like Last year's.
10th - Order Jason's V-Day Present
11th -
12th - No School
13th -
14th - Valentine's Day!
15th - No School
16th -
17th -
18th - Take down V-Day Event
19th -
20th -
21st -
22nd -
23rd -
24th -
25th -
26th -
27th -
28th -
1st -
2nd -
3rd -
4th -
5th -
6th -
7th -
8th -
9th -
10th -
11th -
12th -
13th -
14th - Celebrity Apprentice Premiere
15th -
16th -
17th - St. Patty's Day!
18th -
19th -
20th -
21st -
22nd -
23rd -
24th -
25th -
26th -
27th -
28th -
29th -
30th -
31th -