Thank you very much akuwas! [:'DD]

Thank you Tomoru-Chan!

Love it Tomoru_Is_Unyu!

insanity_of_the_loveless --- thanks!


Prodigy Theory; yaaay for genderbend. [[x

c^^oi) THANK YOU SO MUCH! <333

Pervy Sennin; The coloring is so beautifulll. |D

Anabel Eevee! Mmm, that's my quilava right there [;DD]

K y u u k i c h i; mm, never knew how great my avi could look~!

bacielL i love love LOVE. Yay for Gijinka! [[jolteon]]

[:'D] I bought this one!

Cute-aiden; [* Q*] everything about you is so cute aiden!

[o 3o] Striped strawberry!

3MMiLY~Thank you~nyan!

Cauchemar de l imposteur; Beast man. [: D]


Becoming the Nightmare Whoop! First flob [Cx]


Aerian!! [C:] first freeebie??

Forever Amy! [x/tempted to gobble me up]

Dizzy Teacup!! [:3]

Kiteyu_Minorii!! Awesome tablet skilllz


Korean_Scholar whe~ someone who colored the eyes. [* w*] thank youu sooo much!

BYY Cynsational girl. HOW KAWAII. [^ u^]

twilight of requiem!!! [;3]

N i l l a_beans!! [:'3]

XxSadako-chanxX squeee!!