The Ashes of the Fog part 10
We arrived at Barton’s Cliff, but for what reason did Uriel brought us here? All of this happened so fast, and to think that it started with goo covered door knob. Who would ever though a big commotion would have come out that? The good thing of all this, is that at least I got to meet a nice girl, Enia is sure nice. In every aspect she’s an awesome person and a good kisser too. *laughs* Let’s hope all this last. *looks at Enia*
Enia – Kiyo, is something wrong? Do I have something in my face? *touches her face*
Uriel - Okay, that over there is where all started.
Tekle – What exactly?
Uriel – The origin of the Meteor, which people call today the Fremere’s stones, or Items.
Kiyo – Items? Why items?
Uriel – the Fremere’s items are old items, each possessing strong magical powers. They were forged a long time, by the wisest of Gaian’s. They were created to maintained order, but like everything, it was used to do some evil deeds, by some evil people. Our ancestors stopped the evil people and stored away the items forever.
Tekle – if they were stored, how come you, he and I have one?
Kiyo – I was going to ask the same thing, Tekle.
Uriel – Some years back a thief found them and sold the items on web, our parents bought the items, and gave them to us for safe keep. Some of us were sent into another dimension, but somehow we came back here.
Enia – How you know all this?
Uriel – My dad told it to me before he died 10 years ago. He also told me that if evil start’s to show, to reunite the 5 heroes that would stop the evil.
Kiyo – Are you saying that I’m one of the heroes, and Tekle as well?
Uriel – You both have the items, so you must be.
Kensjins – Hey man, not to spoil the drama scene of story thingy, but that big spider looking things are coming right towards us, yaknow.
Uriel – What!
Kiyo – not good, what are we supposed to do?
Uriel – Fight. * Takes from he’s pocket a chest emblem*
Kiyo – Is that one of the items?
Uriel – Yeap * the shield emblem transforms into guns*
Kensjins – Woa man it just turned into big kicking guns, nice. I’ll trade you that for my awesome sandals.
Uriel – Kiyo take your emblem, and call your weapon, Tekle you too.
Tekle – way ahead of you Uri. *has a staff in hand* time to burn this spyde.
Kiyo – call my weapon *Takes he’s emblem out, and it transforms into a Samurai Sword* Woa, nice, but I don’t know how to use a sword.
Uriel – lets go!!!!, Enia and Kens stay back. *starts shooting the Spider Monsters*
Tekle – this is sooo easy, I just cast Fire and it burns. FIRE * staff glows red and a big flame comes popping out*
Kiyo – You all started without me.
Uriel – you are to slow Kiyo. Take this you big monster.
Monsters Spiders - GREEEWWWWAA
Kiyo – agh I don’t know how to use it, but whatever I’ll try, YAAAAHH *runs towards the spiders*
Monsters Spiders – GREEEWWWWAA * try to hit Kiyo*
Kiyo – Upper slash *Slashes the spider into two half*
Monsters Spiders – GREEEWWWWAA aah *Monsters Dies*
Uriel – he just kill it with one slash. Wha a bas..
Tekle – Kiyo behind you, BLIZARD *he froze the monster behind Kiyo*
Kiyo – Thanks Tekle.
Kensjins – Yooo, guys..
Uriel, Kiyo and Tekle – What Kensjins?
Enai – We are surrounded.
Uriel – Ohh my, this isn’t good.
Monsters Spiders – GREEEWWWWAA *surrounding them*
Kiyo – so many.
Tekle – We can take them, I think uhm we are screwed.
Little Blackfire and Yubisa – OMEGA FROST
* All spiders monsters are frozen solid
Kiyo – What just happened? They are frozen.
Uriel – Whoever did this come forth
*Yubisa come from the sky and lands next to Uriel*
Yubisa – Yesh, is always the same, we save some people and they don’t say any thank you.
Uriel – Ahh *Uriel is startled* who are you, are you with the spiders?
Yubisa – Yeah I’m with the spiders all right. *hit’s the frozen spider with her fist* Now why would I freeze my own kind.
Uriel – Evil always has a sick mind, now prepared to die.
Little Blackfire – Hey wait, we mean no harm, we came here to help.
Uriel – and you are?
Little Blackfire – Little Blackfire, and that is Yubisa, and behind me is my little borther Sullan Blackstar, my friend Tamoko and Chiki.
Uriel – so you all came in pack, to finish us. Well we aren’t going out without a fighy.
Tekle – Uriel, they are allies you know, they just saved us.
Uriel – that’s what they want you to believe, then in the moment that you least expect it, boom and you dead.
*Kiyo goes to Blackfire and shakes hand*
Kiyo – Hi, name’s Kiyo, and that over there is Uriel, next to him is Tekle, and that over there is Kensjins and Enia.
*Uriel with a mouth drop of shock*
Uriel – Ki- ki- ki yooooo
Kiyo – see Uri, there aren’t enemy.
Little Blackfire – hehehe, is he always this distrustful?
Kiyo – really I don’t know, I just meet him like 2 days ago. Actually I just meet all of them a few days back, Enia is the one that I know the longest.
Yubisa – Aren’t you the girl that lives in the wooden house over the cherry blossom garden?
Enia – yes, how you know?
Yubisa – a guy also lived there as well, going by the name Lojel, isn’t that right?
Enia – yeah.. how you know?
Yubisa – Do you have any idea where Lojel is?
Enia – not really, and you are asking too many questions and not answering mines.
Yubisa – ok, nothing, forget about it.
Enia – you are rude.
Tamoko – The same thing I said.
Yubisa – ah shut up Tamoko, or I won’t hug you later.
*Tamoko annoyed*
Sullan Blackstar – Woohoo me the best.
Tamoko – Nobody ask, please nobody ask.
Kiyo – What brings you to this area, Little Blackfire?
Little Blackfire – we are planning on going to Barton.
Uriel – That ain’t a good idea, we just came from there and is infested by them monsters.
Kiyo – What for?
Little Blackfire – Well the town elder before dying told me to protect this item and I was planning to go to town to check what it meant.
Uriel – that’s the Tiara, that’s one of the 10 Fremere’s items
Little Blackfire – the what?
Tekle – the Fremere’s items are some items that were hidden away for some years and now evil is trying to get them so it could rule the world.
Uriel – Yeah, something like that.
Little Blackfire – well that isn’t good, I better stick with it.
Kiyo – that’s your special weapon, Little Blackfire.
Little Blackfire – what you mean?
Uriel – the item takes on a form of a weapon depending on its user.
Tamoko – It’s a Tiara, how the hell a Tiara is going to transform into a weapon.
Little Blackfire – uhm so it turns into a weapon *holds the Tiara upright and it turns into a Scythe* cool, never expect this.
*Tamoko shocked*
Tamoko – What the ********.
Uriel – Sorry for the interruption but we must be going now.
Little Blackfire – better us to stick together.
Tekle – true, the bigger the party the better the carnage
Uriel – yes but less the experience, so no, you people head on your way.
Kiyo – Uriel, she is one of the users and you said to get all the users.
Enai – that’s true Uriel.
Uriel – I guess you are right. They can come with.
Little Blackfire – good
Uriel – lets go into the crater.
Kiyo – what for?
Uriel – to find the scroll that will lead us to our enemy.
*They all set forth the entrance of the Barton Cliff Crater*
Kensjins – Hey Sullan Blackstar I trade you this rock for your Wooohoo, dialogue
Sullan Blackstar – Okay, yeah I got a rock Woohooo.
*Far behind Hidden*
Bolt – Apsaras, they killed our spiders
Apsaras – I noticed, also I noticed that there are four item with them.
Bolt – yeah, Boss will be proud of us if we get them and killed them.
Apsaras – that means that they are the chosen heroes.
Bolt – Yeah, but there’s only four, there still the fifth missing.
Apsaras – there aren’t any, we killed the owners of all the items that we have, remembered. It’s only those four.
Bolt – easy for us then, they aren’t aware the powers that the items are capable of.
Apsaras – Yea Yeah, stop talking, we take care of them later, we need to recruit someone.
Bolt – yeah, true, let’s send them some nice present to keep them busy while we get the recruit.
Apsaras – Nice idea. * releases a pack of monsters* that will keep them busy.
Bolt – Anyway if not there’s always Icewolf, he’s over that area.
Apsaras – yeap, now let’s get the recruit.
Bolt – yes of course.
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Kiyo Ekl
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From The Above Of the Sky to the Dark End of the Sea, Soon the world will know.
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