Age: unknown
Race: elf warrior/shapeshifter
Job: Stables Master and Owner of the Silver Inn & Stables
Personality: nice, caring, and always willing to teach others, offer advice, and in general a good person. but she does have a bit of a temper.
Gender: female

Character name: Angel Fang
Age: 25
Race: white fang assain
Job: bar tender
Personality: Fang usually avoids other people, but when she is working she only makes as much contact as necessary.
Gender: female

Name: Adrian Kaycee cloud
Nickname: Adrian or Kaycee
Age: 21
Gender: male
Personality: Adrian has a dark personality, not much is known about him. but many and most people stay away from him because of rumors, he is said to be possessed by a demon. but that isnt true, Adrian may a dark soul but he is a good guy. get to know him and earn his trust, he will suprise you.

Other: Adrian has his funny ways, he calls himself a "nocturnal" person. also he always has a staff with an arrow head on its tip with him, to others he is an outsider. but to those who know him, he is gifted and in general a good guy to know.
Name: Asura
gender: female
personality: Asura keeps to herself most of the time, but she can be a very tricky person. she loves to toy with people, and has a strong spiritual sense.

other: Asura's mother named her "Asura" because it means "demon" Asura's mother always thought Asura was somewhat of a little demon with how mean and clever she was.