Name: Felicia
You can call me Pancakes.
I am also known as;pan pan, pan, cakes, fel, pani
Age: 18 going on 19.
Sex: Female
click to see a picture of the cakes
I am usually a very friendly person. I am starting a new job so my schedule will be hectic but do not worry I will try and come on! I am a senior in High school I can not wait to get out. I want to be an elementary school teacher. I do not approve of the use of drugs for recreation so I do not want to hear about your wild parties! I adore panda bears and my favorite bands are Nirvana and System of a Down. I have three pets~ a turtle named shelby, a cat named cosmo, and a doggie named dutchess I love them so much. I have an odd obsession of pokemon and just like every other teen an obsession with the twilight saga, though I really wish i didn't o: !
pictures of my pets: [x] [x][x]