Age: Unknown
Race: Unknown
Class: Sorceress (Necromancer?)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Affinity: Wind, Fire, Light, Darkness
Orientation: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Single
Bio: (partially written for D&D purposes) Morlais taught herself her craft through ancient books found within an equally ancient library. She soon became powerful through her studies and practices, and was eventually was able to take command of parts of the Earth itself, however such direct communications with it would drain her very rapidly of energy. Though her proficiency was with most neutral elements, such as wind, or fire, she also dabbled in the light element. She feared the dark, though it intrigued her. She didn't dare try any of the spells taught in the darker books, though one seemed to captivate her.
The spell eventually became an obsession, and soon, she found herself preforming it, time and time again, until she got it right. This spell was one of resurrection, one that would bring to life that what was once dead. She eventually succeeded, conjuring a haphazardly assembled soldier who, in life, had fallen in a battle far before her time. Horrified by what she'd done, she attempted to return her resurrection to the grave, however she'd drained herself, and was unable to do little more than annoy her creation. She fled, seeking the aid of other sorcerers that she could find, not knowing how to return her failure from where he'd come. She was unsuccessful in the end, though she found the soldier hadn't intended to hurt her, but was bound to her as a servant. This bothered Morlais, as she was a gentle creature at heart. Eventually, she grew accustom to his presence, and fixed the irregularity in his appearance. Once he was fixed, she found him to be quite handsome. She found a way to return his voice, and found his name to be Aeron..

Familiar: Audra
