i took a pic of this flower from my backyard, i was watering the plants and i noticed a gardenia hiding behind some bushes, i thought it was really pretty so i took a pic of it, but before i did that, i sprayed some water on it to make it look more realistic xd , i'm pretty happy with the result of how it turned out 3nodding

i love how these jasmines looked in this picture whee the side view of the picture is perfect and the perspective is perfect, i loved it. this picture was also been taken from my backyard whee if u look closely, u can see ants crawling on the flower, i got annoyed because they were crawling on it, but i guess it's kinda cute, as if they were working on the flower xd

i like the color of this flower, the purple is so vibrant in here, that it kinda made the picture all fuzzy xd and the water on the leaves are really pretty too, i didn't know that water can shine that bright, this was also taken from my backyard

this is the side view of the purple flower i took from my backyard. i especially really like this one, because the cool thing is, that the flower on the very right, the top 2 petals overlap each other and u can see a shading of the petal behind the front one whee

this flower wasn't from my backyard, it's actually fake, it was a decor for my mom's bathroom, but this flower is so beautiful because of how it blooms out, so i took a picture of it, u don't even notice it's a fake flower, it's just too pretty whee

again the same flower from above, i just took a side view pic of it, it still looks pretty, if ur wondering where my mom bought it, she got it from pottery barn xd

this also a fake flower too, my mom bought me this yellow flower to decorate my room (bought from pottery barn xd ), i put it on my table next to my bed, and the background is my curtains, and i took an angle shot at it. oh yeah, did i mention that i love taking side, angle, half, and perspective shots? well u probably noticed after looking at those pictures xd lol, anyway, dont u think that the colors of the flower look good with the curtains? 3nodding

it was raining outside and i was really bored of playing on gaia for a bit xp so i took a picture of my neighborhood outside of my window, i think it was march wen i took this, it rains hard in march wen u live in irvine xp i like this picture because of the perspective, it's really cool how farther the houses are, the smaller they are, and how closer, the bigger 3nodding (poor trashcans xd )

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