Now let me see…where shall I begin.
Most of us have that person from our past that completely ******** us up for future relationships. You know the one I’m talking about… The person who made you feel loved…safe…like someone actually cared. And all while being absolutely perfect they were really plotting your emotional and mental downfall.
Well for me that person was a man. He showed me kindness when most turned their backs on me… Treated me decently, like I was a real human being… Worst of all…he made me believe he loved me. He would call me every morning, after he got off school, and even before he went to bed. And in each call he would profess his love for me. When we got together he would kiss me…tell me I was beautiful…take me out for romantic evenings. His name was Nick…the sneaky b*****d. And all the time he was making me feel special the guy was really playing a game. Sadly though I was blinded by what I thought to be love.
Well the love ended; but not before he proposed to me. That’s right the filthy cheating liar proposed to me! And since at the time I had not a clue to what was going on I said yes. We planned a beautiful ceremony; deciding on an old time gothic wedding with a slight traditional flair. Hell we even got my parents to sign the papers so I could marry him, despite the fact I was sixteen and he was nineteen. Well the day of the wedding he broke the news to me…one of the times we were apart he went to a party, cheated on me with his friend (Who is a total skank a** hoe but that comes later), and supposedly got her pregnant. Then he dumped me…right at the altar in front of both his family and mine. She came walking in, right up to him, and they made out right there to prove to me he was unfaithful (Though I am not sure why because I believed him when he told me…so maybe it was just to hurt me worse.)
After that I swore off relationships for a while. And then two months later he calls me up once more. He tells me is sorry, begs for forgiveness. Nick even confessed she wasn’t really pregnant and had just been lying to split him and me up. So like a damnable fool I took him back. This was shortly before Thanksgiving mind you. But anyways; a month went by and he confesses something to me…by leaving a message on my phone. The message said he had cheated on me with his friend (Same skank mind you) again. This time though she gave him a little going away present…a spiffy STD named gonorrhea. He went on to say it was my entire fault. How was it my fault that he cheated on me you might ask? Well in his mind the reason he cheated is because I wouldn’t have sex with him. Do I regret this choice of mine to not screw the pooch…absolutely not. But yet again he broke up with me, and this time it was even more pathetic because he did it by leaving a voice message on my cell phone.
Why is this entire thing coming out? Well because low and behold the dog came back just earlier today. Turns out he is getting married to this girl I use to go to school with. I knew her quite well since I was a friend of her older brother. She is whoreish, slutty, ******** anything that doesn’t move faster than her, and is a walking cesspool of disease. He asked me if I forgave him…and I told him the truth. Because of him I always suspect that who ever I’m with is fooling around on me. Because of him I find myself getting into relationships with the wrong people. But I did thank him for one thing…because of him I started coming onto Gaia more often and that is where I met my love.
But back to his current marriage arrangement. Most would think I would feel depressed, bitter, even angry because the “man” I was suppose to marry was going to be with another. Well sorry to disappoint but I’m not…I am thrilled, atingle, elated, delighted, even overjoyed, ecstatic, in seventh heaven on cloud nine, tickled pink, in the twilight zone, blown away, triumphant, blissful, giddy, gratified, blissful, chipper, and even dare I say…blithe. I have always believed in just desserts. And in him marrying that walking STD he is getting just what he deserves.
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And he said, "Please bestow Mercy upon my soul. For I am only mortal." She looked at him and with a wise tone the young girl of darkness spoke, "Though Mercy is my name, it is something I do not show within this game. You may mortal but a sinner as well. So stand before me for I am the Caretaker. I take sweet care of sinners like you." He screamed in terror and as she laid a hand upon his forehead flames errupted about the two. His final words echoed throught out the night and every night to follow, "Mercy me, Give me sweet Mercy!"
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Sweet Gothic Cherry
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