Ok well A family is together in Wal-mart. The parents give the son(oldest) and the daughter(youngest) $20.00. The kids had to stay together. The brother loved his sister. So they look at the toy section. A girl he really likes comes and talkes to the brother. Now the sister was young so she was just standing there. After the girl left the brother went to another part of the store. Now the daughter just chased him trying not to get behind. THe girl her brother likes comes by again and the daughter said my brother has a huge crush on you! The brother got so mad that when the girl left he screamed at her saying I HATE YOU WHY DO YOU SAY THAT! She runs to the bathroom upsety sobbing. There was an evil guy in there and he was really figuring out a plan. Now when the brother went to his parents the said Where is your sister. Ummm i dont know i yelled at her and she left! Also she is in the bathroom. All of a sudden a man comes running screaming FIRE IN THE BATHROOMS FIRE! The brother rushes to the bathrooms in search of his sister. She is passes out on the groound. He outs her in his arms and runs out. She is in the hospital. The doctor comes out. Well your doughter is........dead. I'm sorry. They cried. The son never forgot the words he said. He regreted it! So he killed himself in suacide. How you ask......... he started a fire passed out and stop breathing.......
Loving Life while I am still on Earth.