I watched V for Vendetta today.
It was surprisingly...heartwrenching for a DC Comics movie. Whenever I think of that name, DC Comics, I think of Superman and Spiderman, Ironman and Hulk. But Vendetta? Never. Even after I saw this, I still won't automatically associate them with eachother.
But what really struck me was the artistic shots, the emotions throughout the movie. You never did see his face, and you start to think of him AS the mask instead if IN it. It was a very symbolic movie, to say the least.
Why is it always the government that's screwed up in all thee movies? Why is it always the 'bring down the government, they're corrupt'? Can thre never be a villan that overthrows a perfectly good government? You never see that scenario in comic books...
And the woman...She is...Well, I don't know quite what to say about her. She's confused. Not as in mental, but there is so much happening to her and arround her, you start to feel sorry for the poor woman. And when she reads that letter in the cell...Tears came to my eyes when I watched that scene, I have to admit to that.
All in all, I think it was a very decent movie. I've seen better, and I've definitely seen MUCH worse. If all this sounds interesting, I would suggest watching it. If it doesn't...Well then, you're loss, isn't it? Oh well.
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