a b***h and i and see now i end up in a lonely world with out her i do horrible things that she hasn't talk to me in a month and a few days is awful.i was a huge jerk i abandon her she told me i know whats best for you and she was right was always right she was a wonderful awesome funny friend Sak-Chan am sorry and i know i shouldn't be talking to her because i just bring more pain in her life i bring so much pain to everyone i care about. It hurtful i guess that guy i dated she hated him with body and soul and he did the worst things and bf haven't done and yes am talking about you (i slept with cookie)you where the worst bf i have ever had your gross, mean to my friends and specially my twin sister Saku-Chan and i should have know i took you bak i felt sorry for you but i open my eyes i shouldn't taken you bak i wish i had ever ever never met you . Saku-cha plz my dear sister plz am sorry i done i regret everything gomen sai onee-chan T^T i begging u plz forgive me i know how you are i bet this is pointless cuz i hurt you am sorry onee chan