Jake (the sensitive)

You pull out a black and white tie. A really hot boy from your English class stands up. You don't really know him because he is very quiet & keeps to himself. He is already in the closet when you get there & you say hello my name is (_____) You don't hear an answer just miffled cries. Are you crying you say? He doesn't answer. You walk over to him & say it's ok. No its not he responds. Tell me what's wrong you say, you can trust me. Well, he begins, my girlfriend just dumped me the night before I was going to purpose. Wow is all you can say. You let him cry on your shoulder the whole time. When Sara comes & tells you two time's up Jake says (_______) can we go somewhere private to talk? Sure you respond. He takes you to the beach. You guys walk down to the lighthouse and he says (______) I want you to be mine. Will you? Of course you manage to say. You two then lay down on the sand. You watch the moon rise higher in the sky. It looked so beautiful. You loved this night you thought. You two then make out under the stars. Jake gives you his sweatshirt and he says we better get home. My mom is gonna kill me. He jumps up and then helps you up. He brushes the sand off you and him. You take his hand and start the long journey home. Lets take the long way you say. So you do. He asks shall we take you home? Umm, you say, I think it's better if we go to your house. My parents are most likely sleeping. I can explain everything in the morning. Ok he says. Are you sure your parents won't mind you both say at the same time. I don't have to tell them you say. Jake says, my parents aren't home anyways. You two walk into the house, get a quick snack, and then go up to his room. You guys watch Spongebob for about an hour. Then you fall asleep on his chest while listening to him sing you a lullaby. You wake up the next morning and Jake is still sleeping. You just lay there and appreciate the moment. He soon wakes up and gives you a kiss on the forehead. You go to your house and your mom is pissed. She grounds you and takes away your cellphone. You know that if your dad gets home, he will beat the crap out of you. When Jake doesn't hear from you, he goes to your house and throws rocks at your window. He says come run away with me. You pack your bag and move to (____). You grow old together and end up having twins and becoming grandparents! Awww!