What color underwear/boxers wearing now? Why would you even want to know? But if you're really that curious, they're black and really cute. <33
What are you listening to right now? Still Fly by The Devil Wears Prada.
Whats your favorite number? 3, becuase it ownz all other numberz.
What was the last thing you ate? Noodlez. :3
If you were a crayon what color would you be? BLACK.
How is the weather right now? F-ckin' HOT!
Who was the last person you talked to? Mi moothar.
The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? If I think they're cute/hot. :b
Do you have a significant other? And you want to know thiiisssss... why?
Favorite TV show? Oh gawd there's so many, but as of right now, Invader Zim and Shugo Chara are tied for first.
Supernatural Siblings? Yeah, unfortunately. I have three.
Height? Somethin' around 5' 6".
Hair color? Brownz naturally, but currently it's brown and black and I'm planning on getting a streak of blue in thar tew.
Eye Color? Usually medium/light brown, but they change color 'cause they're MAGIC like that.
Do you wear contacts? I don't need to, so I don't.
Favorite Holiday? Christmas and Halloween are tied for first, and my Birthday if it counts.
Favorite Month? April.
Have you ever cried for no reason? Maybe..
What was the last movie you watched? The Red Violin
Favorite Day of the Year? I have a few.
Are you too shy to ask someone out? Hellz yes.
Can you do a headstand (not using the wall)? I've never tried.
Hugs or Kisses? Depends on the person, but they're both nice.
Whats your favorite animal? Cats of all kinds. Meow.
Whats your favorite thing to do? Uhhh... IDK, my BFF Jill?
Whats your least favorite thing to do? Oh there's so many. =.=
What books are you reading? The Maximum Ride series and the House Of Night series and the Vampire Kisses series..... Gawd, I feel like a geek just saying that.
Any peircings? Yep. I'm trying to work on getting snake bites or my tongue pierced. &:3
Favorite movies? Nightmare Before Christmas and Dragon Heart.
Favorite football team? I don’t really have a favorite team since I don't watch football anymore, but I used to like the Raiders.
What were you doing before this? Quizilla, betch!
Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? Umm... Buttered?
Dogs or cats? Cats FTW.
Favorite flower? Roses, Lllies, Hibiscus flowers are all really pretty.
Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do? If I did, I honestly don't remember.
Do you have a best friend of the opposite sex? Yeah, and he's my man-ho who has yet to come out of the closet. JK! Love you Matt. xD
Have you ever loved someone? Yes, and who it is is none of your god damn business, so don't ask me.
Who would you like to see right now? For those who understand this, he's a Vampire. If you don't get that, then oh god damn well.
Are you still friends with people from kindergarten? Hello, didn't we cover this in the first question? I've been friends with mah BFFF since kindergarten. And yes, I DO mean BFFF, not BFF.
Have you ever fired a gun? Yes, and I love shooting rifles. <33
Do you like to travel by plane? I've never been on a plane, so I wouldn't know.
Right-handed or Left-handed? Right-handed.
Have you ever been abused? Mentally, yes.
Are you missing someone? Yep, and do us both a favor by not asking who it is.
Do you have a Tattoo? Not yet.
Anybody on Gaia that you'd go on a date with? That's for me to know, you to find out. <333

If you don't a puppy will die.
Save the puppies.
Community Member
What color underwear/boxers wearing now? Black. With multi-coloured hearts.
What are you listening to right now? My playlist. Oh, you mean what song? Okay. Fiction [Dreams in Digital].
Whats your favorite number? 5.
What was the last thing you ate? A bottle of water.
If you were a crayon what color would you be? ...And what are we basing this on?
How is the weather right now? Hotter than Dresden.
Who was the last person you talked to? Mommy. :3
The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? ...That they ARE the opposite sex.
Do you have a significant other? No. Not yet.
Favorite TV show? Big Bang Theory, Defying Gravity, Life on Mars.. you get the idea right? Science = win.
Supernatural Siblings? Nope. Just annoying.
Height? 5' 5 and ONE EIGHTH!!!
Hair color? Black/brown.
Eye Color? Green/blue. Lighting matters.
Do you wear contacts? Naw. My glasses are Steampunk-er.
Favorite Holiday? Halloween.
Favorite Month? May.
Have you ever cried for no reason? Hormones are a reason, right?
What was the last movie you watched? The Men Who Would be Kings.
Favorite Day of the Year? Dec. 23, early May. Let's say I'm positive an go with May 5.
Are you too shy to ask someone out? Hellz yes.
Can you do a headstand (not using the wall)? Once.
Hugs or Kisses? Either, I'm not picky.
Whats your favorite animal? Fish. I MISS MY FISHIES!!!!
Whats your favorite thing to do? Be Lauren for a while. And.. less sane things.
Whats your least favorite thing to do? Find a living spider. Dead, I can deal with. Living? GET IT THE FECK OUT O MY TIME ZONE.
What books are you reading? DinoPark, which is the German Jurassic Park, an 1945: Die Biographie eines Jahres.
Any peircings? Earrings. I want another hole when I'm fifteen and I might pierce my nose when I'm legal.
Favorite movies? V for Vendetta, Serenity, Logan's Run, Star Trek 1-11, The Men Who Would Be Kings, The Mauichinan [sp?] Candidate.. yeah. Politics = win.
Favorite football team? Don't like football.
What were you doing before this? Writing a journal entry for Lauren. And spying on my cousin.
Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? Butter AND salt betches!
Dogs or cats? ...
Favorite flower? Hibiscus
Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do? I'm a bad kid.
Do you have a best friend of the opposite sex? I love you, Khristian!
Have you ever loved someone? Yeah. So? He didn't even know me.
Who would you like to see right now? Lots of people, really.
Are you still friends with people from kindergarten? Yeah. Erica's pretty awesome.
Have you ever fired a gun? No. But I want to so goddamn bad.
Do you like to travel by plane? Sometimes.
Right-handed or Left-handed? Right-handed.
Have you ever been abused? Yeah. So?
Are you missing someone? See previous answer.
Do you have a Tattoo? So far, no. Stupid legal rules.
Anybody on Gaia that you'd go on a date with? Not as far a I know...
Tag! You're IT! Now because you've read this, you have to do it too and post it as a comment in mah Journal and then post it in your Journal for others to see!
If you don't a puppy will die.
Save the puppies.