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Well I'm going to write another journal though I'm not sure if anyone read the first one but whatever. Like before I don't know what to write about. Maybe books again since that's something I know pretty well. Hmmm..... I love the Harry Potter books no matter how dorky that makes me seem they are good books say what you will. And the sixth Harry Potter movie was the best no question though they messed up some parts. Tom Flint is so hot and though Draco Malfoy is supposedly an evil character or at least a bad one he was still one of my favorites regardless of what people say. And also I never got the whole Ginny Harry thing I mean how did that happen what did he just start liking her in the sixth book. I mean sure she liked him in the second had a crush on him. But nothing after that to me it never made sense. But I digress the ending to the last Harry Potter book was good. And if you've never read it I won't tell any spoilers and if u never knew about the whole Ginny Harry relationship sorry about that. But I guess people should have seen it coming I mean she did always like him. It was just him liking her suddenly that never truly made sense to me but whatever I'm not the author. Well I'm going to end this journal for now maybe I'll pick up where I left off in the next one I'm not sure. If you enjoy any of my journals or even if u don't comment me I want to know what people think of it. So that maybe I can improve it. Thanks biggrin

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