Took it off from "about me"and placed it in here...doesn't really relate though...
Current / Recent Avi:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zomg! Stats..... #2 Strength - 7/10 Defence - 5/10 Speed - 8/10 Stealth - 4/10 Status - 8/10 Magic - 7/10
#4 You're a Centaur Vanquisher. The real cavalry of the Dark Centaur's. A select few Dark Centaurs are trained in the powerful magics you weild into battle. Flames fly from your hooves and your weapons glow golden, a powerful battlecry expels fear into your enemies. You're one of the most feared of the Centaur Warrior races.
#5 You have many magic abilities, such as the Unholy March, this is a spell that increases your speed and makes your hooves ignite as you trample over your foes. Your greatest power is summoning one of the 4 horseman to appear mounted on your back, causing total destruction on the battlefield. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-Letat- · Fri Aug 07, 2009 @ 05:21pm · 0 Comments |