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Community Member
about last night,
recently i realized the limits of my troubled brain. last night, i was up for six hours brushing my teeth. tonight, i can't sleep so i'm watchin that 70's show. i think it is because of all the drama. it amazes me how quikly someone can get tired of you or say that they love you but constantly talk about how they want to be with some one else or dump you in front of the entire school as if it were all a cruel joke! you know what, i'm done with this love crap. i'm focusing on education until i graduate, then i'll find the one. this time, no one out of state, and no one i went to school with! i think i want a punky gux who doesn't care what people think of him accept me, and i to him. i want a guy who can sing and play insruments and who looks good with facial hair. dark hair and light brown eyes. and a funny guy. not always serious. and i swear, if there is another one with black hair and glasses i will think i'm crazy cause i have had so many of those! wtf is up with that! lol something is very wrong with me