Age 19.
Height 5-10
Weight: 150 lbs
Blood Type AB Positive

Place where he grew up: It was a small town, located in a far region to the north. He lived with his grandparents there was a few other kids that lived there.
Bio He was raised by his grandparents, he lived with them until he was 18, they raised him to be brave and kind and trustworthy. He cared for his grandparents allot and they cared for him his grandfather would always tell him stories, as to why it pays to be good and good things would happen to him instead of the bad. He never played with the other kids though, as he was growing up mainly because he could not talk it got annoying, shaking his head yes and no that all changed one day though.
He was walking around the icy hillside, when he stumbled across a strange hole in the ground like all kids it interested him cause it was something new. To his surprise he came across and odd dark sword, he had no idea why it was there or if it was safe. But even though there were risks from anything unknown he took it out of the ground, it was really heavy he had to drag it out of the hole onto the ground.
He then examined the sword carefully, and it spoke shocked a bit he jumps back cause swords did not talk, and if they did that would be weird the sword explains itself to Abel, that he was a special kind of sword and that Abel was not normal.
The sword could tell, he was unable to talk but felt and heard what he was thinking the sword then, introduces himself as Heji The Chaos Fang, or just heji for short.
He dragged the sword all the way, to his house and showed his grandparents they were a bit surprised, as to what they were looking at they jumped back also when they heard the sword speak to them. His grandfather already knew Abel, was not normal and had a special talent it did not matter that he could not speak 2 years had passed since then. On Abel's 17th Birthday, his grandparents threw him a big party by now, he already was able to wield Heji and even use him now Abel, exits his house to get some fresh air he is away only for 5 hours, and he comes back to see his house and town up in flames. He quickly ran to his house, and saw his grand parents laying on the ground his grandma, was already deceased his grandpa was barley alive. His grandfather gave him a final speech and story, he then said do not be said Abel, never forget what i taught you stay strong and make me proud become the man you were meant to be, his grandfather then passes away. He did not have the heart to tell Abel, they were not his real family.
2 Years have passed since then and Abel found himself to be alone, but that did not matter he trained with Heji and became stronger he then swore he would become a protector a shield for those that needed it and he knew it would have, made his grandfather proud.