Hey you there! Yeah you! I'm Remembrance Angel!
Unless you haven't noticed I'm a total Kingdom Hearts fan. I mean it's so freakin' awesome. If you don't know what Kingdom Hearts is then I'll tell you. Kingdom Hearts was created by Square Enix. You know the people who created Final Fantasy. The had an agreement with Disney and thus Kingdom Hearts was born! It contains Charaters from Final Fantasy like Yuffie, Leon, Aerith, Cid, Tidus, Selphie, Wakka, Cloud, Sepiroth, and more. The have Disney Worlds. Disney Worlds are worlds based on your favorite Disney Movies. Mulan, Aladin, Peter Pan, The Little Mermaid, THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS! you name it! They contain Disney Characters and the storyline of each world has a twist. They also created they're own new character, like Sora, Rku and Kairi or Roxas and Namine. You should Check it out. Trust Me!
I like Inuyasha alot and im starting to get and intrest in DNAngel.
Check out my Journal too, for any recent stuff i wanna share. Oh and, before i forget, Leave me a comment about my journal or my profile! It'll help and it'll give you some extra gold!
My Poke-Plushies!

My Kingdom Hearts Plushies