So, before this was a collection of random pictures that I found amusing. Now, it's going to be my collection of Avatar art! This first one was actually commissioned by SnowWhite91. It features her an my avatars as of [Monday, September 14,2009].
 Then I colored it and made it siggy size. Yeah, I got lazy and butchered the black coloring... But other than that I rather like it. My first time semi-soft coloring. All at 75% opacity or less. I like all of it except the black. If anyone could color it for me, that would be awesome. The colors in the image are the colors that it should be, of course. n.n

Ahh! I've gotten more art recently. This one is a bit big to post here in my journal, so i'll just post a link to it. It's art of one of my manga characters that's posted on my DA, which i'll also link you to. The art was made by Miserikordi on July 10, 2010 I do believe. [MiseriKordis Art] And, the Deviation: [Found My Way]
Next up is Art that Wren152 made on July 27, 2010. It's actually of my RPC/OC self and my mom, but my avatar actually looked like that too so it's cool. she even made a small version special for me! It's in my signature now. [The Big Version]
Shiro-Jin · Tue Jul 28, 2009 @ 08:04am · 0 Comments |