What's up guys?
Lately I've been doing fan characters to the children's show, Sonic X. Yes, most of you have heard of it... -_-'' You can find pics that I've done here: http://s278.photobucket.com/albums/kk89/PopcornGirl142/MayumiTheCat/
Oh!! I have a lover now. =^-^= If you guys dunt know, his name is Kamal. We've been going out for almost 8 months now. He's always there for me. We used to be best friends in school and all, and our parents are pretty close, too. He might be moving ( T^T ) to his mom's house for the school year, because his parents divorced last summer, so they're moving the older boys to their mom's house. But if the judge doesn't make the decision before September, they'll have to do the first semester here!! (YAAAAAAAAAY xDDDD)
I've started playing a new game called World of Kung Fu. I'm Popcorngirl on it, add me! =P On Youtube, I've posted about 7 vids. So, AgentPopcornGirl is the name on there =P LunaOnline: PopcornGirl (What's up with all this popcorn?! LOL)
Oki dokie. I'm not living with my mom anymore, the last semester wasn't too appealing.. so I've moved back here to Los Alamos. (yaay, friendiezzz!!) And I'm a pretty normal girl now. Not as depressed as I was. I've learned my lesson. I no longer wear very dark clothes. But I mix my life up, like a salad. It's fun! I'm the same old hyper lanna that I always was. Except with now short hair and earrings.
Earlier, my hair was dyed black, and to my waist. But now, it's the original brown (still a little dye left) that is up to my shoulders. And I got my ears pierced not long ago. Almost all my zits are gone. Which will be a whole lot of help for my 8th grade year, starting on August 17th (O_o'') It's been raining a whole lot up here in the mountains. Which just reminds me of my mom telling me of her favorite past times with my dad when they were dating. ^-^ Sometimes, I still wish they weren't divorced. Oh well. Homework is gonna become piles by the first month or so. And I have to keep up with it. I have to gain the responsibility so I won't fail again. My MAPS scores say I'm able to skip grades, but I have to prove that in my class grades, too.
Wish me luck!!
Okay, now tell me how YOUR summer has been in the Comment section below!
Thanks! And here's a little pic to start out my first Journal entry of the year!

~yours truly♥ Lanna
"Back to the street where we began Feeling as good as lovers can, you know Yeah we're feeling so good..."-Nine in the Afternoon-PATD
"I'd become comfortably numb Until you opened up my eyes To what it's like When everything's right"-You found me-Kelly C.
xXWalking_In_CirclesXx · Fri Jul 24, 2009 @ 09:35pm · 0 Comments |