Trembling with weakened hands,
His eyes were growing weary,
Lost within the dusk; the murky mist that surrounded,
As candle light poorly lit the blackened quarters,
Lost within the misery,
For his sweet maiden was not there,
His heart burned for her,
It called to her with the power of a titans roar,
Yet the voice dissipated within the darkness,
As if it was cloaked and relinquished into shadows,
Tears gently fall to the ground,
For his sweet maiden was not there,
Broken by his lonely heart, he wept,
Wept into the satin covers of his down,
Saddened by her distance, her unseen presence,
And so he was cast into his own hearts oblivion,
Lost within his turmoil,
For his sweet maiden was not there,
O’ how he yearned for her,
The silk softness of her skin upon his finger tips,
The burning passion filled gaze of her deep hazel eyes,
The touch of her sweet tender lips against his own,
Lost without his goddess,
For his sweet maiden was not there,
Her elegance was that of the rising sun,
It cast many shadows yet, brought light to all that see,
Her beauty was that of nature’s gifts,
Her scent traveled like the wind,
Her body flowed gracefully like the river; yet he was lost,
For his sweet maiden was not there,
He entangled himself in book, and song,
Trying ever so desperately to serenade himself,
With the calming keys of the Moonlight Sonata,
Fiercely his fingers rushed across the keys,
Entwining himself unsuccessfully within song,
For his sweet maiden was not there,
His heart was frail,
Frail as a glass flower,
And he felt it crack with every passing second that went by,
That went by without her by his side,
He was slowly breaking,
For his sweet maiden was not there,
However could he survive,
However could he remain without her,
Her, the vision of truth, the vision of grace,
A true goddess among men, given to the world by Zeus himself,
He could not bare her absence,
For his sweet maiden was not there,
He shouted to the skies within the wind and the rain,
His love for his beauty, as the thunder rolled,
The gods envied his passion, his love and heart,
For they had never seen something so pure, so true,
His tears overcame the rain,
For his sweet maiden was not there,
He walked through the hellish wrath of the heavens,
The heavens in which now were enraged,
For they could not love with the power that he did,
He called to them, begged of them for her return,
But they did not oblige, and he was torn,
For his sweet maiden was not there,
Broken, alone, weeping on the path to their home,
There was no hope remaining within his soul,
He had given his last plea for her return,
He was now ready for death,
That the gods would graciously grant,
For his sweet maiden was not there,
Alas, at the end of the path, there shine a light,
A familiar light, that blew the clouds and the rain away,
A light that brought him from his knees, standing,
Not believing what he sees, he believes it to be a trick,
A new trick to torment him, from the deities above,
For his sweet maiden was not there,
The light grew, powerful, brighter and then,
He saw them,
Those eyes that made his very soul burn with passion,
Those lips that would bring him weak in the knees,
That body that made him felt as if waves were crashing upon him,
With the gift of love,
Could his sweet maiden be there?
Closer she came, her smile overwhelmed him,
Finally she had returned and his burden was lifted,
His call answered, his love overpowering the will of the gods,
There she stand before him,
His maiden fair, so brilliant, stunning, and graceful,
His maiden was there,
They wrapped each other within their love,
A single kiss that overwhelmed the power of the world,
The gods became angry, not knowing love so sweet,
Their envy became violent, and they wanted this too,
Yet they knew not how to make it,
They pondered at the maiden,
Pondering for so very long, to no conclusion at all,
Envy overwhelmed them and they did the last thing they could do,
They took his maiden fair away,
With one single flash she was gone,
And he was thrown into misery once more,
For his maiden was no more….
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You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one, I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one.
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