The dress =3
I am supposed to be taking a shower right now. Ssh! I'm all salty from kayaking... *ahem* anyway. Took a couple pics of the dress like I said I would. They're a little bit suckish and don't show how vibrant the colors are, but whatever. They're pretty good.
What we (my dance teacher, my mom and I) asked of the dressmakers was something along these lines: an edgy take on the elegant classic look. Mature and dark, because I'm not a little kid and it looks stupid as hell when you have a prizewinner in a pink frilly dress. The oldest you can get away with that is like 12 I'd say. And I'm being lenient. But anyway. We said lace, we said pointiness, we said pleats with a twist. We also said that no way in the world was I wearing an abundance of sequins. This is what those crazy women came up with.
 That right there is my favorite part of the dress. The lace hem thingy. It's real lace with little flowery things in the design and is ridiculously pretty. The pleats are awesome too- I love the contrast of the pointy skirt and the lace under it. Interesting tidbit: this dress- just the skirt part- has six and a half layers. In this pic and the later one with the charms, you can see the multicolored fabric really well. It's this funky stuff they picked up in the city somewhere and loved so much that they pretty much forced it on me, but that's okay because I love it. It's like tye-dyed blue, green and purple.
 The full dress, minus the sleeves. They were folded behind the body of the thing. I don't know why I didn't think to pull them out, but they're designed similarly to the skirt. It looks so gross and shapeless like that, partly because there's cardboard in the skirt. Yes, cardboard. It looks a lot better when it's actually on me. There's a gap between the design that leads down from the neck and where the skirt begins because we tie/pin our competetor numbers right there beneath the design, and it wouldn't hang right (I tied it with a green and blue ribbon, so pretty xD) if the sequins had kept on going. See? Minimal sequins. Some girls have dresses that look like they litterally made them by gluing sequins together. It's horrible. The black is velvet, by the way. It's heavy and hot in the summer and in gymnasiums but at least it's pretty.
 That's the neck and body. I so wish the quality was better. It's the same lace from the skirt, all flowery and rhinestoney and awesome. Another tidbit: the neck on this dress is exceptionally low for an Irish dance dress. They usually go about halfway up the neck. I didn't want that, simply because it gets so hot at the competitions. xD
 The inside's butt ugly. But I took this pic to show you the charms in there. It's something some of us more stereotypically superstitious dancers do. If we have charms that are somehow important to us, we sew them into the neck of the dress. That's not the neck, actually. Being that it's too low it couldn't have worked, so I put them in the back, on either side of the zipper. On the left is a shamrock my mom got when she went to Ireland and on the right is a little gold heart that was part of a bracelet (that broke) that was given to me on a much earlier birthday. Like, years and years ago.
 Lastly, this is a cape. It's not really a cape- it's a little flap of fabric that attatches to the back of the dress with velcro, usually (the velcro's expertly hidden by those mad talented dressmakers). On prizewinner dresses the capes tend to be very small- this is probably one of the bigger ones I've seen. On school dresses, the capes are sewn on and are clipped at the bottom to the dress by a brass pin, sometimes the emblem of the school, sometimes something the dancer might find at a feis or some store. Mine when I had my school dress was a harp. This cape has that same lace on the skirt and the neck. You can tell the dressmakers liked that lace a lot. xD
That's all there is. They're pretty bad pics, but yeahh. xd
Posted by: Whigg Wed Jul 22, 2009 @ 07:41pm