Alister Hansel
He's short, probably 4' 10" and he's twelve. He's quiet, yet has the mentality of an eight year old. He's very sweet, very child-like. When you draw him, I would like his innocence to be portrayed, maybe in his expression or his pose, something a little naive and childish.
So, onto technical details. He's a blondie, as in a little darker than bleach blonde. Just a stone darker. He has very pale skin, nearly white. (He's anemic and he's got a little bit of irish in him, haha)
He doesn't have a very impressive physique, being a little weak, and he has piercing cerulean eyes. Curious blue eyes. They really sink in when he looks at you eye-to-eye, though he doesn't very often.
His hair is a bit long for a guy's though it only looks like he needs a little trim. His bangs are uneven and his face is cherubic, making him look really young. He also has some freckles, but it's a bit hard to notice, as they're really light. And he wears thin-rimmed or rimless glasses, with an ovalish or retangle-like shape, you can choose.

That's a ref I drew of his hair. But you can make it work with your art style, I'm not that picky. and his hair in that might be too long. /shrug
He kind of likes dark clothing, black and dark blues and greens, as well as pastel/light colours. Greys work as well. Hm, really, you can dress him up in anything you like, he's not really picky. But he really loves long sleeves, and light, loose-fitting sweaters. No flannel though, thankyouverymuch. Something light and cottony.
But again, you can dress him up in whatever.
And a bonus, add in a stuffed animal of any sort, preferably a dog. He's not proud of his affinity for plushies, but hey..
He also has a berserk side, one that is wild, unstable, and violent. So if you wanna draw that part of him, put lots of blood, needles, knives.. and insanity. :9 Go crazy with it.