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Through the Computer monitor.~ Just stuff. Stuff stuff that I need to need. Or remember. Either one.

i n k y B E A R
Community Member
Alister for art?

    Alister Hansel

    He's short, probably 4' 10" and he's twelve. He's quiet, yet has the mentality of an eight year old. He's very sweet, very child-like. When you draw him, I would like his innocence to be portrayed, maybe in his expression or his pose, something a little naive and childish.

    So, onto technical details. He's a blondie, as in a little darker than bleach blonde. Just a stone darker. He has very pale skin, nearly white. (He's anemic and he's got a little bit of irish in him, haha)
    He doesn't have a very impressive physique, being a little weak, and he has piercing cerulean eyes. Curious blue eyes. They really sink in when he looks at you eye-to-eye, though he doesn't very often.
    His hair is a bit long for a guy's though it only looks like he needs a little trim. His bangs are uneven and his face is cherubic, making him look really young. He also has some freckles, but it's a bit hard to notice, as they're really light. And he wears thin-rimmed or rimless glasses, with an ovalish or retangle-like shape, you can choose.

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    That's a ref I drew of his hair. But you can make it work with your art style, I'm not that picky. and his hair in that might be too long. /shrug

    He kind of likes dark clothing, black and dark blues and greens, as well as pastel/light colours. Greys work as well. Hm, really, you can dress him up in anything you like, he's not really picky. But he really loves long sleeves, and light, loose-fitting sweaters. No flannel though, thankyouverymuch. Something light and cottony.
    But again, you can dress him up in whatever.

    And a bonus, add in a stuffed animal of any sort, preferably a dog. He's not proud of his affinity for plushies, but hey..

    He also has a berserk side, one that is wild, unstable, and violent. So if you wanna draw that part of him, put lots of blood, needles, knives.. and insanity. :9 Go crazy with it.

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