an answer soo this profile is all about _____________! yeaaah NICOLE!
So you kno nicole right.. pretty smart funny and “NOT” singggoo :]
yeaahh... Nicoles like a booger not just anytype of booger
“MY BOOGER” hehe x] shes like a booger up yur nose daht you cant dig out.
YAAAHDIGGGITTT??! Anyway she's Hellluhh chill no joke! & i like how she name me
somee ill nickname like like like. CRYSTAKK! or crystalFOO :] how sweeet is daht!
So you see my pic its VERRRYYYSUPERUPEROLD & im on the left :] &dontTalkSHiit! Yeaah back to Nicole. [Trying to make this not to long & not to short soo..] Mhms Nicole is amazinggg :] i have a blast with her we would talk all night and act COOKY &stuff and she theee peron daht dont make me GAG -__-” Anyway i think this the end :] (Fri 10 july 2009 02:19:49 am EDT)
Hey this Be La Babii K (Aka) Kat &3
I'm Hakkin Mahh gurLiee Nicole
She only hang wit dhe best and is better than the rest
She keeps a smile on my face and she messes up yours
so watch you back for this gUrl she Got claws &33
So Many things i can say about this girl
-The top b***h (nicole; oh my DX LOL)
Mess wit her and i kick ya BOOTY U feel me?
Officially hacked BY KAT

Yoo, This is Lexiee Hackinn My Homiee Nichoole C:
Ok hm where do i start
Shes awesomee!!.
Sexy ;]
And the nicest personi've ever met . i loveish her very muchh<33.
Don`t get on her bad side though >w>
i warn you she`ll blow up!!
Like BOOM.
She is the bomb though. C;
Tick Tick Tick BOOOM!.
Woaahh. Shes on fire bby ;]
Ohh i want some tacos so im out<33.
Luff yeww <3333333.