Its about time I update!
I've finally deleted all of the annoying entries from when I was like...15, and now am deciding to add freshly created ones.
I've changed alot, and so has this account now..I no longer wear that god damn clown nose! It sure was strange reading all those journal entries, it felt like a blast from the past, and boy did I have trouble spelling! But now, I'm finally in college, my life is starting to grow more and more, and I'm in a new relationship n__n
Today marks the 8th month anniversary of me and my girlfriend Kristy. <3 Each and every day still feels as lively as the first days of our relationship, and it never grows old. Nothing is ever boring when we're together, and everything is fun.
She is the most wonderful person I've ever met, and I sure hope this love will never end.
Besides my amazing girlfriend, I've started college! Now going into my second year in a community college(and stuck there for another 3 years...) I'm starting my dream career as an automotive technician. I found out photography wasn't my thing, and since cars was the one thing I never hated, I decided to choose that.
Speaking of cars, I also own my own car, and love the living hell out of it! Its a 1993 pontiac boneville SE, with almost 200,000 miles and still drives like new.<3 I also have 3 pets, a hedgehog named Manik, and two ferrets; the albino one's named snoball, and the black one's named bandit.
Well, now that I've updated you all on my life, I'll be making sure I add entries weekly!
Wishlist added!
ninja headband
devil tail
kottan bell
reve rouille
angelic staff
ninja headband
devil tail
kottan bell
reve rouille
angelic staff