Peter Pixie: the host of the whole sha-bang ;o

Hm.. ok, let's start with chibix's stuff :'D

She met a LOT of new friends! :3
Like this chick

we met her on Saturday, which was the best day of the whole con. Because we met a MALE Kakashi, and the spider-man with the pikachu hat I saw last year. biggrin

The boy Kakashi wasn't as social as the girl one, but whenever you'd grope his a** or hug him, he'd blush insanely! It was SO cute! &3 Poor guy looked scared to death when Chibix ran up to him during the masquerade ball and yelled, "SMILE! &:O", thats how we got his picture. She thought it was the girl Kakashi that liked being randomly yelled at XD
Anyways, Bongo found himself a sword (cuz his scythe wasn't finished in time DX), and it's Ruoni (however the ******** you spell his first name &Bl) Kenshin's reverse blade sword! :'D

He got Kalon and her friend on the left to buy it for him; cuz he's not 18 yet. -w-

While he was being Itachi on Saturday, we met a sexy-no-jutsu Itachi in the bathroom and got her out to hug him and take a pic with him! :'D

Bongo got himself a girlfriend on Saturday while he was being Itachi. Then when he went back to being Hidan on Sunday, the girl was like "s**t you're the perfect Hidan! o///o" Soooo many girls loved him being Hidan; he was the only one there actually XD No Kakuzu, Konan, Pein or Zetsu though! ; w;

In the Dealer's room, there was this really cool metal-link-accessory-seller-woman biggrin She was fun to talk to. ^^

Malarena found Freya from Chobits and got her picture, then got a character from Bleach! She's fast >w<

Chibix found these three on Saturday, the chibi Naruto recognized me (somehow O_o) as the Tobi he hugged on Friday, when I was BB. Hinata had a Jashin necklace (who would've thought she was sadistic? o -o), and it was the last one, so I bought it off her for $15 and gave it to Bongo (yes, im that nice! =w=).The ANBU Kakashi wasn't the Kakashi I crushed on, she was the one with the Icha Icha Paradise book and bells on a string hooked on her vest XD didn't get a picture, phone number, email adress OR her real name! D: worst part is, she lives in Kansas City! T oT

Then we met this group, they drug us all into doing the fashion show, but Bongo couldn't go through with it because he had to go to work D:

We met a Sally, Pyramid Head and a zombie nurse from silent hill while lining up to speak with the judges :O they all looked stunned at their costumes XD

While in line, Vampy (stephie :3), Malarena (mari-chan), Paradoxica and Rytheil (my brother :'D) had mine and Chibix's cameras so they could take pictures of the models while we were up on stage biggrin

Here we are on the stage during the fashion show, Starting with me ^^ The crowd went wild because I was the first BB to EVER attend AFW :'D They absolutely LOVED Chibix's Misa Amane cosplay too biggrin

We met these amazing twins that cosplayed Rikku and Yuna from final fantasy in Lion King form biggrin

In case you can't see the Beyond Birthday cosplay that well due to the poor lighting, here's a better shot.

During the Masquerade Ball, I bumped into Spidey again XD

Chibix and I found Mantis (a fan/friend of ours on our website) while dancing :'D

On Sunday, we waited in a mosh pit for the cosplay skits to open up, which took 3 hours DX. I sat on Luigi's chest while being Tobi, and got L-ahara's phone number, but I got of Luigi cuz I wanted to take a picture of him like the Mario bros' freak I am > >

And here is a MelloxMatt picture for you guys ;D

And last but not least, our after-the-con-photo-shoot on Sunday, the last thing we did there ^^

Quote with Chibix: "There's too many L's! D: BB's gonna die here!"
Number of L's counted: 13
Quote with Kakashi: "AMPALLANG!" XD
Number of Kakashi's: 3
Quote with Itachi & Deidara: "Uchiha babies!"
Number of Itachi's: 4 Number of Deidara's: 2
Quote with Madara: "We shall rule the world! BUWAHAHA!"
Number of Tobi's: 2 (including myself XD)
Quote with Hidan: "******** you Kakuzu =o='" lol! XD
My quote of the whole con: "If only conventions lasted a week ; w;