Patches and I
A week from yesterday my dearly beloved pet rabbit, Patches, died. She was more then just a rabbit, She was my friend and, as I portrayed on Gaia, my partner in crime Grunny.
In 2004 I convinced my mother to let me get a pet rabbit on the condition that I buy everything for the little bunny. So on April 21st I saved up $75 and went to a local pet store, since it was shortly after Easter there were quite a few rabbits for sale. After looking and handling them I chose a white one with brown ears and brown rings around her eyes and named her Patches.
Through the years Patches turned out to be a very interesting bunny with a lot of personality. If I was hunting her down to put her back in her cage she would growl and lunge at me then run back under my bed. Getting her back into the cage was a nightmare.
When she was out running the house she would chew on cords, furniture, paper, and anything that could fit into her mouth. She also loved to chase the dog and cats and mount them. For the longest time I thought she was a he because I never heard of any female animal to mount and hump other animals.
She loved to snuggle with me, if she wanted my attention she would jump up and climb on me. That or she would bit my back or ram into my ankle. She was very demanding but lovable at the same time. There were quite a few times when she snuggled by me for hours while I read a book.
One day my step dad was laying on the floor playing video games. Not much was going on then he felt something furry rubbing up against his head. Patches was at it again. He gave a screech and the rest of the family burst out laughing. Then later on that day patches preceded to mount his foot.
She never really minded what she was mounting but when it came to her food she was very picky. She hated any cooked veggie, she would not eat them at all. She also didn’t like zucchini, potatoes, and celery. Like all rabbits she loved carrots a long with broccoli, dandelions, clovers, popcorn, corn chips, and bunny yogurt treats.
She was a long haired rabbit and like all pets when they get dirty they got a bath and she hated baths. She would run and spring clear up the side of the wall when trying to give her one. I washed her with dog shampoo or baby shampoo whichever we had at the time. Then it took about two towels to dry her off to the point where she wasn’t dripping. It was funny to watch her fur dry, it would stick out like a bush then flopped back down.

When I bought her I also got a bunny harness, it had a harness and leash. I took her out quite a bit. She never really cared for it all that much. When put outside she wouldn’t move from her spot. She just sat there and ate the plants around her. The one time she did go running was when we took her outside in the snow.
She didn’t get along with any other rabbit. Her favorite victim was a female named Serea that we got at the county fair last year. She chased her all the time and liked to pin her down and bite her. Serea on the other hand fought back quite well. They went rounds, running through my room trying to cause as much damage to one another. At the same time her hatred for Serea gave her a motivation to get out of her depression that she got shortly before she died.
There are many memories good and interesting. She lived a good life to the age of 5 and I will miss her dearly. She died from a twisted stomach that we didn’t catch in time.
kikioblack · Wed Jul 15, 2009 @ 11:02pm · 2 Comments |