Wren: Kyoko this outfit is so cute! It's very ardorable, and fits the theme of a child perfectly! The colors were used well and accessories were perfect, and well though out! You made a huge improvement from last week, and the hair is much better as well! Great job Kyoko!
Shikyo: Well Kyoko, this is the first time I've seen you in first. I think this challenege was also hard for you since it would show us how childish you really were. Good job!
Bobbie: Well last week I was the least impressed with your outfit, but this week I am the most impressed. It's just perfect and its so cute! You should give yourself a pat on the back.

Wren: Sia this outfit is very cute, and well put together. I can totally see a young (fashionable) child wearing this! The hair is dead on, along with the expression! And your shoes match perfectly with the rest of the outfit! Great job as well Sia!
Shikyo: : One thing you could have done was use a longer skirt, but other then that it was very good this week.
Bobbie: Good news your shoes match this week! Girl you're always near the top of the list, but you've never been first, but I think your one the threats to the other girls in this competition. So the girls better watch out for you, because you have one thing that most of these girls don't have, which is consistency.

Wren: Soirene you did a good job this week! I love the top, and teddy bear! The skirt is cute as well. But the shoes are slightly off, and your hair is just OK this week. I think you look much prettier in original color, which as you know is light sandy brown! I think your outfit could have been a bit more flattering, but over all good job!
Shikyo: The teddy bear, hair, shoes, and skirt looked like a child's attire to me. Not really the shirt though. Over all it could have been cuter. . . .
Bobbie: Cute, cute, and cute! It makes me smile when I see this. I think it's some of your best work yet.

Wren: Chloe this outfit is very cute, but not quite as young enough to fit this challenge perfectly. I love the color scheme, and the over all outfit is cute and well put together, but it's not very childish. I mean it is a young look, but it would fit under the theme of tween rather than child.
Shikyo: Well, your outfit didn't really scream child to me, it looks more like something you'd find in the juniors section rather than children's attire.
Bobbie: This is just ok. . . . It has some good ideas, but they are all just thrown together in my opinion.

Wren: Bree I think this outfit is cute! But it's not very childish. Your not alone in making that mistake, a few other girls did as well! But I think the dress is very cute! Your use of accessories was nice, and I liked the hair, but I don't like the shoes. Would a little girl really wear platforms? .
Shikyo: I liked the toy but the dress could have been longer, and the maybe you could have used flats for your shoes.
Bobbie: Eh I don't see a child when I look at this outfit. It looks more like a tween, or teen playing a ukulele.

Wren: Isuzu this outfit is just OK. It's a little bit to colorful for my liking. It looks childish, but the colors start to hurt my eyes after a while. I like the hair and the expression, the top is alright, but I don't care for the shoes or socks on this outfit. I think you just tried a little too hard on this challenge.
Shikyo: This looks more like a teens clothing style, that's rather bright. . . .
Bobbie: This outfit fits the them, but it's just way to cluttered. You've been near the bottom of the list lately, you need to shape up honey.

Wren: Now we reach the bottom two. First off we have Alixx. I know you tried hard this week Alixx. You got the general idea of the child theme, but the skirt is just a little to short for a child, and the shoes clash with the outfit in many ways. I like the hair and expression on your model though! Elimination just keeps getting harder and harder every week! Over all your outfit was ok, but not stunning in any way.
Shikyo: : You had the same problem as Bree, your dress was much too short. But also the socks didn't quite match the rest of the outfit, and the fact they arn't flatter shoes didn't help you much either.
Bobbie: You're in the bottom two for the third time! I think your outfit is sort of cute, OK? But honey the skirt is not short and looks funny.
Wren: Next up we have Mel. Your outfit is alright, but doesn't stand out among the crowd this week Mel. I don't like that hair color on you, it's not flattering along with your expression. The outfit just looks a little over done. You keep falling farther and farther down the food chain. I know you tried hard this week, but I think you can do better Mel.
Shikyo: Mel, you dropped quite a bit. First let me say the flower is looks out of place. And like most of the other girls, the skirt was too short. But that was not the real reason you got here. To tell the truth I don't think there's anything childish about it. I had hoped to see better.
Bobbie: Mel I have four words for you: You didn't bring it.
Wren: So who goes home? The girl’s picture that I show will be staying in this competition, but the other must return to the house and leave this competition.

Wren: Alixx you are hanging by a thing thread, but you are still in the running to become Candybar’s Next Top Model. Even though it kills me to do this, I’m sorry Mel, but you must return to the house, pack your things, and leave this competition. . . . .
Wren: I can't wait to see more fab (& drab) outfits from all of you remaining ladies! See you next week girls!
Shikyo: Goodbye girls, we'll see you next challenge.
Bobbie: For all the girls who have been eliminated, go and audition for the Candybar modeling agency!
•A stupendous Shikyo note: Remeber this ladies! The fewer girls there are, the harder my comments will get. I will start to be more harsh when judging but please don't take it the wrong way. I will not mean to offend you so if I do I apologize greatly. Bye bye!