The Name of which I was given:Gardner, Diana But What I am prefered to be known as:Trish The Years I have seen:19 My Life and steady income:Jeweler The Color of my soul and heart:Dark Slate Gray/12 When I look in a mirror I see:  My Life, me dreams, my hopes:Trish was born in an average income, middle class family. She was always a small, mousy type, and always drawn to the glittering woods that gave life to her home. Her family's house was an apartement in a high rise in the western sector of the city, closest to the translucent woods.
From the time she could walk, Trish was exploring the woods, taking home fallen fragments; glass leaves and twigs and flowers. When she grew up, her father lost his job and they could no longer pay rent for their apartment, evicted and now living in a stayhouse, along with several other families. Trish continued her explorations of the woods. one time, she didn't come home util a week leater, having driven her parents crazy with worry. After that, she became more withdrawn, going to the woods for longer periods.
What I prefer:-privacy -irritating people on occasion -honeydew -lemongrass -peaches What I distaste:-Heels -lavish lifestyles -dirt -icing What I carry with me:A knife Other things you might want to know:She now harbors a secret she is unwilling to tell
Aribis · Wed Jul 08, 2009 @ 11:27pm · 0 Comments |