Okey, Hello hello.
Dear dairy today i woke up xDD.
Okey this is kinda bullshit.
Well i wanted to write a bit more about myself, without putting it on my profile. >.< Because it will get tooo long to read and that isn't fun.!
Okey My name is Aira or Nanke. I Perfer Aira, because it is the Internet Whahaha xD and it is easyer to remember. Since my screen name is Hopefull_Aira. Why hopefull? No idea, it just came up in me.
I'm 18 years of age. And i do not behave like I'm 18. Somehow i like... Some how i feel ashame for it. Specially when people remind me of it. It's annyoing. Sure i can do something about it. But i don't really feel like. Because in the end. I wanna be me. And i want to be proud of beeing me.
I have some isusse, with my self confident. But it also makes me a little bit unpredicteble. Because belive it or not. I do not always have trouble with it. It more from person to person. Not that i feel better, but some people know who to comfort me, and some others don't.
On the internet, i have not trouble with it. Because well yeah if some one doesn't like you. You just stop having contact and that's it. In real life. It's harder I think. But i don't want to spend all my life behind the pc. I want to live my life out bright. Because after all i'm alive.
I'm currently taken. And I really prefer to keep it that way.
About him, well that's a other story. He's a boy and he is younger then me. Sometimes I notic that, but most of time it's no trouble for me.
He is on my mind alot. And I'm so lucky that he's my boyfriend.
He blames me alot. >.< On a hard way, He thinks i get better from it. But i doupt it. But who knows. Those who never try, never know.
I think it is okey, if he put my nose to the facts and blame me when i'm wrong. After all I'm just a Human and I'm not perfect and I never will be.
That why we are Human, we will never be perfect, that's makes us perfect. Difficult to understand, but in the end. I think it is the truth.
I love him very mutch. Inside and outside. If i'm going to start to talk about what i all like about him well then you are still ready by tomorrow.
Maybe I write it in a other entry.^^ Yeah that's a good idea. hehehe. * feels evil *
Okey This thing is going to be surprise for some people. What do you
want to do in the rest of you live? Well I never have spoken it out loud. because i'm not sure if i'm good enough. I really want to be a writer.
WTF you? You mean like stories and that kind of stuff? Jup that's what i mean. But it's a hard job to do and earn money with so i have to do something els too. A more stable job. The reason why I want to write stories is because, I have seen a lot of thing in my life. Heard so many stories that shouldn't be forgotten. The bodies dies, but as long your story goes on you still live in some kind of way. It's my way of immortallty. Everybody dies. That's a fact, we have to deal with. I'm not afraid of dieing, I'm afraid of beeing forgotten... Sounds so emo....
Well I guess that it for now.
There are alot of mistakes in the page i know.
Don't blame me for it.
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Journal of Aira
Well, okey. I was never really good in this stuff. And it's not a kind of dairy. But I will write a few more things about myself in here. So If you have any questions. Maybe you find the answer in here. I'm not sure. And ofcourse you can always ask m
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I'm bored comment or pm me xD