Everything is alright......I guess. I'm not really quite sure about myself though. I feel..........how you say emotional, sad, and well........i kinda feel upset. I have felt REALLY upset for the past few days. There's gotta be a whole reason. I feel like crying almost.
crying I dont wanna cry. Im tearing kinda. (For those of you reading this, DONT LAUGH!!!! I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN!!!
mad ) anyway, I get the feeling, like.........something bad is gonna happen later in life. I dont really know. I dont even have the guts to even write it, type it, or even speak out about it.
There's gotta be a reason............
there's just gotta be.......... rite now, i hear things, and feel like someone's talking to me. I suddenly feel like im afraid of life.
I'm sorry if im writing this everybody. It's just tht.......I dont know what else im supposed to talk about. I cant get my mind off of it though. I just cant. It's impossible it even get it out of my mind. If you have any suggestions (besides saying "get a life and get off this stupid site"
wink plz write me, or comment me.
I'll be very greatful to write back. Thx