Once upon a time in a magical kin- What am I talking about this isn't a happy story and it takes place in the future not in the past! Well now that we got that out of the way lets begin the real story.
It was a bright and sunny day but it wasn't gonna be like that for long because in the distance I could see dark clouds coming our way. I ran inside the house and looked at the news to see if it was supposed to rain or not. "Folks I have no clue what is happening out by 68th street but there has been nothing on the radars showing this coming and it looks like it's pretty bad, we're sending out people now to find out what is happening" says the T.V. reporter.
'Great it's the first day of summer vacation and its going to rain' i think, but little did I know it was going to get a lot worse! We'll talk about that later though for now lets get back to whats happening. The T.V. reporter comes back on "OH MY GOD if anyone lives anywhere near 68th street you need to evacuate to your nearest evacuation station" 'oh my god whats happening'
"Since we know most people won't leave unless they know whats happening we have to tell you whats happening theres been an escape from prison, I can't tell you the names of them but they have invented some kind of machine that could kill anyone on conta-" the T.V. reporter falls to the ground dead. "Now if we see anyone outside of their house or heading to an evacuation station they will end up like this reporter, but if you stay inside you will live." The T.V. station goes out and a message comes up that reads 'STAY INSIDE IF YOU WANT TO LIVE BUT IF YOU WANT TO DIE FEEL FREE TO WALK OUTSIDE!'
I run to tell my parents whats happening but my dog stops me and growls "its ok buster its only me katie" i tell him but he wont let me through. Just to make you wonder what comes next this is the end of chapter 1, the next chapter will be out soon so just wait for it!
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beyond the galaxy
just my stories of the future i think of =P
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Master beyond beauty
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