Kite, sibling of Jurek. Both parents; Kira and Blu, bied after Kites birth in an ambush/war between wolves. Jurek, not knowing what to do with his little sister, takes Kite under his wing. Kite is now 2 years old, as Jurek is 4. Kite is verry inmature yet not argumentive. Playfull, yet not daring. She listens to her older brother. They live in a small cave not too far from the conflict of wolves. When Kite is 4 years old, Jurek plans to leave her on her own, though Kite doesn't know, she will sooner or later find out, weather she likes it or not....
Jurek; kicking and snifing, grawling and huffing;dreaming. He hears the voice of his father, calling him to leave with his newborn sister;Kite, to take her somewher safe. He bites her on the neck, and takes off out the large cave they they call home. On his way out he sees his mother;Kira, laying in the grass. Bleeding rapidly. He stoped, he was frozen at the sight. His father;Blu, yelles for him to leave.
"JUREK! LEAVE! what are u waiting for, son?! GO, NOW! TAKE KITE TO SAFTY!" Jurek, not knowing what to do at this point, listens to his father, and runs. He sees many wolves, attacking, scratching at his father. Fighting for some reason. For territory. Blood is everywher. Jurek is running, dashing into the dark woods. Through a stream, and into a little cave. This cave became home. After that tragic night, neither of the kids seen their parents ever again. Jurek jumps up, and layes his head down.
"It's just a dream..."
Jurek has the same dream every night. Ever since he woke up to his fathers voice screaming for him to leave with his newborn sister. Kite jumps up on Jureks back.
"Wake up! Gosh. You always sleep in. Its about time you get me something to eat, ya know." Jurek pounces up and knocks her down.
"Ha ha, Kite. Its about time you get your big bro somethin' to eat." They wrestle arround.
"Ya know, someday your not ganna have me to feed you every day. Its about time you learned by yourself." Jurek says wile Kite is playing with a betel.
"C'mon, Kite. I'm going to show you how to hunt." Kite jumpes up,
"Well, why CANT you feed me everyday, huhh?" *sigh*.... Jurek walks out the cave expecting Kite to follow. "Lets go Kite..."
Walking through the woods, Kite glances over and sees a small stream.
"Kite. Now you are to never cross that river, okay?? its not safe." Jurek demands.
"Alright?" Kite says confusingly. Jurek sees a rabbit, and hurries to get down.
"Kite! Get down... Be quiet." Kite does as he says and gets down,
"Why?? What do you-" Kite sees the little white rabbit, and jumps up.
"Oh my!! Look at it! Its HUGE!!" Kite screems.
"Kite! What, youve neve seen a rabit before?! Nice goin'!" Kite looks at Jurek with her ears down.
"Oops..." On their way back to the cave, it started getting dark. They arrive and Jurek leaves to get something to eat. Kite lays down for a minute, then sees a little bug. She plays arround pretending it is a deer,
"Thats right! You have no chance against me! Im invensible!!!" She neels down, then pounces up and squishes it.
"HA! I win again!!"
WILL be continued.
Community Member
You are doing great
Your detail of everything astounds me. Honestly, I didn't think you were capable of it. sweatdrop
The only thing I suggest is to break up your paragraphs. It gives more sense of length to it.
When a new person speaks, it begins a new paragraph.