RAWR I'M A DINOSAUR!!!! I have a new gaia family ^_^ Twin Sister- Angel Sister- Britt Sister From Another Mother- Sara Brother-Nick aka. Yokai Mother- Father- Brother- Awesomedude9 ninja ninja ninja ninja ninja ninja ninja dramallama ninja ninja ninja ninja scream Lama KILL IT!!!!! xp scream scream scream
My New Dream Avi-
 Total Value: 635,521 Gold After Exclusions: 69,999 Gold [Item Information]
Item List: Celestial Wrap Yama no Tamago 2nd Gen. Devil Imp Plushie Yama no Tamago G-LOL Dark Dollie Shoes G-LOL Dark Mistress Top G-LOL Dark Mistress Skirt Demonic Earmuffs Oculus Magica Devil Imp Potion Year of the Tiger Black Neko Cosplay Smok the Baby Dragon
The one on my Profile is a gag I don't even know if it's still there I'm on a very laggy computer >.< Reason 1 Why I haven't been on Gaia these past...Weeks? Or so
Internet got robbed by Mr. Ol' Gay Fagoi down the street
Reaosn 2
Deidara made computer go boom
Reason 3
Reason 4
Mother ******** Game for Ds played alot
Reason 5
My Mother ******** Brother Hogs Up The COMputer
I tihnk that's all of them. Oh what one mroe
Reaosn 10932923482378789124786185401718746712487134873215819364124
Comendy Central...Now Bye going to go play flash games,Dragonfable,and go to COmendy Central See ya all in 10 hours maybe!!
*Note* To Teh Random people reading this. I'm not doing anymore ******** spelling checks!!! Okay!?! Got it!? Read It!! Kill It!! From A...By the way I want you people to call me that....You know A. I like the sound of A so call me A now because I am not going to change meh username because I'm Lazy xD
Also guess my First Name and win umm......Nothing xD First Letter-A Duh I asked you all to call me A you know why now xD Bye going to play games now xD
This is my profile for my clan which I gave to Hikari which she turn into a rping clan and which I am rejoining xD
My File: Gaia Name:KyokoTheCatThatBites Persons Name: Kyoko Nekoidi Age: 16 Bio: Kyoko comes from a rich family who follows the Japaneses culture. Kyoko never paid any attention to the culture so it ended up with her getting scolded. She always wears Kimonos in home so her parents won't get angry at her. Kyoko sometimes wear fake cat ears just to freak people out. But sometimes she acts like a cat and has cat naps, eat fish like it was candy, try to jump off a tree and land on her feet, and just be lazy.Her parents started worrying about her because of the way she acts so they looked for someone who would engage her. And to trick her they had all the pictures of the men wanting to engage her and asked her which one she likes best of the pictures. Kyoko looked at all of them and finally pointed to the albino man who was about 16. And her parents smiled evilly and said she was now engage to him and Kyoko was shocked and ran into her room but just at her door she slipped on some water and saw a newspaper on the floor. She picked up the paper and saw the ad say something about a Bloom Ridge Academy. And she smiled evilly. She then ran back to her parents and said she wanted to learn at Bloom Ridge Academy. She also said she wanted to learn manners and how to play the violin there. They told her she would only know how to play one instrument and that was the flute. Kyoko said if she learned how to play the violin then she could become smarter. And finally after a long argument they let her join the Academy. Status: Engaged but thinks nothing of it and says she is single. Picture:

Dorm Form: Dorm #: A20 Dorm Owner: Kyoko Nekoidi Dorm Picture:
 ((Dorm made with My New Room 2 flash game on Girlsgogames.com))
My File: Gaia Name: KyokoTheCatThatBites Persons Name: Kangen Ikusa Age: 16 Bio: Kangen comes from a rich family that follows Japanese culture but their ancestors had always been in every war in Japan which is why there last name is Ikusa. Kangen follows the culture to the last very bit but he doesn't wear formal clothing. When word that there was a engagement proposal to five familys they all accept. When Kangen heard word that he was the selected bachelor his eyes opened up wide. But then word was heard that he would have to go to Bloom Ridge Academy he smiled and said he wanted to go. His family allowed him to go. Kangen hates clutter rooms. Status: Engaged Picture: 
Dorm Form: Dorm #: B19 Dorm Owner: Kangen Ikusa Dorm Picture:
HumanTheOtherRedMeat · Sat Jul 04, 2009 @ 06:29am · 0 Comments |