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Vampire Brothers- Episode 5- part 3
He quickly flew to the human world. He needed to hurry. Both him and Miki were in danger. He landed on her front porch. He banged on her door. "MIKI! OPEN THIS DOOR!!!" Miki opened the door. "WHAT?! WHAT IS IT?!"
"We are in terrible danger!!!"
"What how?! What do you mean 'we'?"
"My brother found out about you discovering about vampires!!! He also figured out that I told you that I'm a vampire!"
"He's over 200 years old! What do you expect?!"
"DAMMIT!" She grabbed his hand and led him into the house. She ran towards stairs that led to the basement. "What are we doing here?" he asked.
"We need to plan out what to do."
"Oh. They're attacking next week, but that's all I know."
"Then, you need to figure out what else is planned. Like who's attacking, what they'll do, and what they'll do if humans fight back."
"Yes, but how do I find this information?"
"Wait! You said that all vampires' ages are judged by clothing!"
"If we change your clothes to make it a different age, and your appearance, nobody will ever find out!"
"Yes, but where do we find clothes?"
"I know a tailor across the street! He owns shop, and he could probably do an outfit from the 1800s!!!!"
"Brilliant! What about my appearance?"
"We did a makeover for you before, and we can do it again! This time, we'll do MAJOR fixes!"

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