Thats It Under There.

Total Value: 928,181 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
HIPster Blue Tint Shades
Demonic Wind
Elemental Wings
Onyx Galaxy Jet Wings
Gimpi 4th gen.
Gimpi 4th gen.
Gimpi 6th gen.
Gimpi 2nd gen.
Onyx Bolster Sword
Belted Pants
Assassin's Guise
G-Team Ranger Black Boots
G-Team Ranger Black Gloves
If you check my profile you'll see that it is Fashioned to look like Cloud from
Final Fantasy.
Ok i'm a guy and I'm not gay but that Dude looks Frickin' awesome. Like he could get a few Ladies.
Bye Guys.
P.S. Don't forget to donate. You will be Mentioned in My Journal