Dearly beloved and departed we gather here to put the soul of Pistol the kitten to rest. She was named Pistol because of her hyper energy, adorable appearance, and playful nature. Pistol was found on my back porch barely a few days let alone a week ago.
Pistol was just a kitten before her curious mind got the best of her and wandered off into the streets of my block and was (well her back legs were) ran over by a careless driver. Apparently the driver didn't see her or honestly didn't give a crap as seeing everyone here drives like a lunatic from Ancora.
Pistol was found this afternoon (on the curb, in the street a bit down from my next door neighbor's) by a boy who knew that Pistol was ours' and carried her to our back porch. Her jaw was broken so she couldn't meow for help and both her legs were broken. One was barely hanging on and dragging as she walked, the other still had some strength in it.
She was only just a kitten starting out in the world as she enjoyed to play with a shoelace and eat Fancy Feast. Rest in peace, Pistol. My little ray of sunshine that had to be extinguished no sooner she showed up in my life. I will miss her greatly.
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