- xxxxxxxxxxRules to Follow !
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxwhen RPing with Hayd, at least.
- |♠| If I've included five paragraphs or more per post, please be considerate of the time I've put into each post. Nothing ticks me off more than when I've made five paragraphs & my partner won't even put in the effort to make one decent paragraph. I'm not saying RPing is a competition over who can make the bulkiest post; I'm just saying it's nice to see someone putting in the same effort I am.
Sometimes my RP partner can throw out posts with ten paragraphs, even! Imagine all the time that she/he puts into each post! If they're doing an average of ten paragraphs, I try to do at least seven. This is pretty advanced stuff; most of the paragraphs are based on feelings. Not a lot of action going on, usually. When you include a paragraph or two on your character's feelings, it's unbelievable how much the reader can learn about your character's thought-process by just that. You may even get the readers to sympathize with your seemingly-evil character.
I've included an example of this below.
"I killed him, yes," Walter admitted, gazing across the room towards the two. Even when Eileen cried out and rushed to Andrew's dead body, Walter still maintained eye contact with Henry. Just the look on Henry's face would be able to make practically anyone wince away and try to break eye contact. Anyone except for Walter. The defeat and fear apparent in Eileen's eyes would make practically anyone feel guilt for what they had just done. Anyone except for Walter. Walter could show no remorse for his actions. He had done only what he had to.
Of course he didn't want to kill all these innocent people! He had to, though. He had to... if he ever wanted to be reunited with his dear mother. Oh, the love that he had been deprived of as a child. The orphanage wasn't a loving place, and the people there weren't loving or merciful either. But now Walter had a chance of recieving the love and affection he had missed out on as a child. Now even he could have a loving mother! If he needed to kill a couple people here or there for his goal, then so be it.
There. A whole paragraph on Walter's, the murderer's, feelings. Doesn't look so hard, does it? Now maybe you, the reader, can sympathize with him a bit. Of course, there's never a good enough reason to kill, but you still must feel a little sympathy for his situation, right? When exploring a character's mind, that character earns a little more depth, don't they?
|♠| No God-Moding. You do not control my character. I do. & you control yours. That includes "and the look on Maria's face makes you just want to hug her." IF MY JAMES WANTS TO HUG YOUR MARIA, HE WILL WANT TO OF HIS OWN FREE WILL. I don't need you telling me what my character feels or what my character will do. Instead put something like "Maria wore a defeated expression. She was obviously in dire need of comfort. Even so much of a hug would suffice." It gives me the hint & it isn't taking control of my character's actions or feelings in anyway.
|♠| If you're talking OOC (out of character) then please do so in a way that I understand. I'll accept:
/ this /
| this |
& you know what would be even better? If you added ooc: in it. For instance, I use [ooc: blah blah blah.] when I'm talking OOC. You can clearly see that I'm talking OOC & it even looks pretty cool, right?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxJust things Hayd appreciates.
|♠| I almost always fancy up my posts with a little picture of my character or icons near the bottom of my post or so. I'm not saying you have to do this, but it'd be very much appreciated. It just looks really pretty is all, & it's just always nice to be reminded what the other characters look like, you know? People remember your character better if they know what they look like.
I've included one of my own RP post styles below.
「 ĸouyα 」

my fighting capacity is dropping to zero. i can feel my system shutting down.
everything will return to nothingness, soon enough.
yamato... i'm sorry for my failure to protect you. we are just null in the end.

Doesn't that just look nice? The coding for it all can get very annoying when used in pm RPs, I admit...
See? I don't have that many rules do I? Please read these rules before you ask me to RP with you. If I'm already active in RPs with you, I'm sorry that I didn't put these up earlier. Even so, still abide by them. Much appreciated, & if you do choose to RP with me, I hope I'll be able to entertain you!