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Vampire Brothers- Episode 5- part 1
Beginning of Episode 5

He lightly brushed his cool nose against her neck, going up to her chin. She laid there frozen. She then smiled. "You won't do anything to me." He stared at her blankly. "Wanna bet?" He pursed his lips towards hers and suddenly stopped. She looked at him and smiled. He bent his head down. She gloated, "You can't even kiss someone, even if t didn't mean anything." He glared at her. "What are you talking about? You laid there frozen!" She glared back. "You couldn't even kiss a vampire!" He was furious now. He slammed her to the wall, and pressed his cold lips against hers. He took his lips off, and gave her a smug look.

Tears built up in her, and streamed down her face. She sat on the ground crying. He bent down. "Why are you crying?"
She yelled, "Because that was my first kiss, and you didn't even mean it!"

He froze. He didn't notice. He didn't even think about that. He knelt down and grabbed her arm. He comforted her. "I'm sorry. I did not realize." He hated humans, but for the first time, he felt sorry for one. He kissed her on the head. "You know why I do not love you." She nodded. They both smiled and laughed. "This is stupid, but you should go back. To see what's gonna happen." He nodded. He then left the house, and went back to the vampire world.

User Comments: [2]
Community Member

Mon Jun 29, 2009 @ 11:18am

Uhhhhh... Kinda inappropriate...

1 Litre of Tears
Community Member

Wed Jul 01, 2009 @ 08:39am

Well i thought it was Kinda Sexy.Lol.

User Comments: [2]
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