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Vampire Brothers- Episode 4- part 3
He flew to Miki's house, and saw Miki still sitting on a chair. He woke her up. "J-Joseph?"
"Is this a dream?"
"Then why are you here?"
"I needed to tell you something."
"This is a dream."
"No. It's not!"
"Of course it is! It's too painful to be real!" Joseph stood frozen.
"Look! We are all in danger! The head vampire found out that you found out about the vampires. Now he wants to destroy us all!"
"My brother will talk with him, but someone from this world is going to die, and I'm afraid it might be you!"
"Oh my god! What do we do?!"
"I don't know!"
"We need to think of something!"
"Well what then!"
"I don't know!" They were panicking.

A few minutes went by. "So I only have a week to live?"
"I guess that might be the plan."
"Who is the head vampire?"
"He's the most powerful one of all."
"What am I going to do?"

Another few minutes went by, and Miki walked up to him. "Before I die, will you tell me about the vampires?"
"Of course."

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