heeey. dont be alarmed. this is iLQV3s mule account. ^0^~ hello. my name is [none of your buisness]=]
hihi people. i dont know what to write here.... cuz i have nothing to say... (hehe..thats a first) well, i guess il just write sum info about me. =] 1. i am a christian, but go to a catholic church cuz my mom makes me. 2. i am a middle child. 2 sisters, no brothers, although i would love to have one. 3.i LOVE green. and i love BEING green. peace love and recycle yo! X] 4. im kind of an emo-punk-crazy. X3 i dress punk, act crazy and feel emo. so, im like 33.33333333% punk, 33.33333333%emo and 33.33333333% crazy.... well, if i was equal. im like, 50% crazy/logic/wise. they go hand in hand if ur me =] 28% emo and 22% punk. thats sound about right. 5. my fave #s are 3 and 13. =] i lOVE friday the 13th. cuz its never (last year doesnt count) an unlucky day for me! X3
6. i hate know-it-alls, total jerks, and people who think their "all that" 7. im awesome at writing, horrible at spelling. X3 8. i have a cell phone, but cant find it (as usual) and cant text. -___- 9. i have a very commen disability, so commen its not even considered a disability, were i have trouble with the simplest of math, from adding and subtracting, to fractions and decimals, and waaaay past algebra. (only when im consiously doing math, if i dont realize its math, im otay) 10. this is kinda weird, i only type "omt" or "wtt" or "otay" but never say them out loud. (the "t" stands for toasters. X3)
11. i hate pink. ironic cuz im typing in it. XD 12. i love drama, the class. not the stuff at school. i was in a high school play, and plan to continue when i go next year. 13. (=D my fave #!) i rarly used to swear. now (THANKS ALOT CORINA! XD) i swear, but not in front of family or most adults. 14. i love to talk. but can never explain what im thinking. but am very good at being discriptive when i write. 15. out of the people i hang out with now, im normal. O3o and trust me, to anyone else, im SO NOT NORMAL
16. i love bright neon colors right up against black, skinny jeans and PURPLE. 17. i love hugs~! 18. i LOVE being random. i also love all my friends. 19. i've lived where i live for 10 years, and last weekend was the first time i've really gone shopping at the one of out malls. now i like cloths from: 20. american eagle, old navy, forever 21 and mostly PAC SUN!!!!! (and yea, macys, but dont you try and deny that they have some nice stuff occasionaly! i know you shop there! X3) 21. i love poetry, writing it and readin it 22. i love to sing, and i am good at singing, ask xXdeepfriedtwinkiesXx! 23.i love drawing 24. music: beethoven, hellogoodbye, paramore, twilight soundtrack, family force 5, cake(<3) vampire weekend, the cararacts, 3OH!3, lupe fiasco ect. :3 (...m/><m/...) 25. GET LOST YOU FREAKY STALKER! WHY DID YOU JUST READ ALL THAT INFO ABOUT ME?!?! jk jk. ummmmm. i get sick of falling in and out of love, and being hurt. </3 (ps, for y'all who guesses my middle name, its :madeline. yea, unexpected huh..... ) ~toodles! -> walking n railroad tracks.

<---meb4. im so scene nao. ;]
XxhheartlessxX · Tue Jun 23, 2009 @ 11:54pm · 0 Comments |