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B flat, G-F, B flat-G, E flat-C... A.K.A. "Can you feel the love tonight?"

Community Member
The newest tales follow...
I don't have a job any more. The place I was working at shut down, so they had no need for me. Unfortunately, they were paying me cash-in-hand which isn't legal, so I can't even get a recommendation from them. Ah well, I didn't like the work place much any way. Don't feel like getting specific right now.

I'm on work experience! I've been with two newspapers each around 45 minutes drive away. It's a bit of a hassle traveling but I don't mind. Last week I was one in photography and this week I'm with another in journalism. They both work in different ways so I'm learning quite a bit. The one I'm at now is a bit funny since all the workers remind me a good guys add, where they all get in your face with these cheesy smiles and direct you to which ever part you want to go and fuss over you to try and get you out as soon as possible.

I've arranged to meet a coven this friday. They're normally for 30's and over but I have parental permission to join with a friend so we're checking it out. It sounds like fun and I'm excited, if a little nervous. I've been a solitary pagan/witch (Yeah yeah, get over it) for so long now that it seems strange to practice with others. Oh well, they mainly only do study nights anyway by the sounds of it. Buggie remind me to update with how it went, would ya?

Love life still doesn't exist unless you count a guy called Kyle liking me. He say he doesn't actually makes a huge deal when he's telling someone he doesn't so it's pretty obvious. Especially at the social when he was EVERYWHERE I was. I'd be dancing doing the famous sprinkler miserably and he'd pop up saying "I'm not dancing!" What the? Why's he telling me? I'm not the dance police! Of course I've complained about that for a while in real life so I won't continue there.

I think thats all there is to update on. Thanks for reading, no-one. If there is a user or two out there that might see this, please feel free to comment, whether if it's on a typo, to tell me I'm crazy or just to talk because your lonely enough to admit it on the internet, it's fine with me. I would almost promise that I'd get back to you but I'm not the most reliable person I know. Pretty damn close though, if I say so myself.

User Comments: [2]
Community Member

Tue Jun 23, 2009 @ 12:31pm

dont forget to update ( this message is for when im suposed to remind you lol)

hmmm... why dont you talk aboout the upcoming holidays and how much you wish you could see your best friend who moved away. it would make a good topic. plus that topic brings up so many old memories

Beautiful Propaganda
Community Member

Sun Jun 28, 2009 @ 09:07pm

Hi. Yes, I'm lonely, and I admit it on the internet...
It sucks that you lost your job! I still can't even find somewhere who would want to hire me, but I'm a teenager so I guess that's why.
Remember to post how the coven meeting went!

User Comments: [2]