Chapter one
A box of Magic
The sky above was dark and dank. Down bellow, the dying city of Valerac. The city sat like a gray ink puddle on the planet. Smoke rose from the soot-caked chimneys from the few privileged enough to have one. The cold snow of winter drifted gently down to caress the city bellow. Down below the smoke lied the true ruins. People staggered through the street, drunk or wounded. A man strikes a whore while trying to pull him pants up. A group of raggedy children barge their way through the streets as a man chases after them screaming, “Stop those thieves!” over and over. A group of men encircle two drunken brawlers, cheering them on as the beat themselves senselessly. All alone in the middle of a deserted road, a child stands, wearing little more than a bag as a dress, clinging to a stuffed bear while she cries out for help. No one answers her cries. In this dying city, there is no help for those who have nothing. There is no help for anyone.
The worst was Old Town. Old Town sat in horrid condition. Men lie dead and dying in the streets. A man breaks a window to get at the food he sees unguarded within. A group of women fight over a dress they found. Gun shots ring out over and over. Police stand rigid with fear, unable to do much more than watch as the city they promised to protect is overrun by scum.
A sniffle sounds out as a young girl with fair brown hair wipes her eyes. She swallows, attempting to wet her dry throat. Her eyes are brown, yet they are bloodshot. She licks her chapped lips, looking out at the street from behind a pile of broken crates. Sitting beside her, a boy with the same fair brown hair, sits covering himself with a brown linen blanket. The girl taps the boys shoulder.
“Jason, get up. Someone is coming.” She says in a clear, though dry voice.
The boy nods, and stands up, just able to see over the crates. Jason looks down the road. It is almost barren, except for a lone finger, obscured by fog. The girl nods at Jason and walks out onto the road. Jason looks down, searching for an object he could throw in case they failed. He finds a large stone, and grips it tightly.
The girl stumbles onto the road, trips, and falls flat on her face. The man walking down the street stops, the walks forward calmly.
“Should 'ave figured twas you, Alexandra. If you're here, then your little brother isn't far off.” The man said as he looks down at the girl.
The girl grunts, and stands up slowly. Jason carefully worms his way to his sisters side, clinging to her hand tightly.
“You need a better act if you want pi'y, li'l twit.” He said with a laugh.
Jason looks up at the man with fear in his eyes. Craig was always known for being a ruthless man. He basically owns Old Town. His stubble covered face reminds Jason of a porcupine with short quills. His scraggly half beard crawls up the sides of his face and meets with his hair. Most of the top of his head is covered by a top hat that is bent and has no top. His mouth has a blackish tint, and his teeth are either chipped, missing or yellow. His breath stinks of cigars and chewing tobacco. Craig has a man on every street. He has a group of raggedy children who have been trained to pickpocket for him. He doesn't look it, but he is the most wealthy person in Old Town.
“If'n you ever wan' a job, I'll be glad to take ya under my wing.” Craig says as he walks down the road.
Alexandra puts herself between Craig and Jason as he walks away. Jason swallows lightly.
“Alex... we can't keep doing this. Let's just take him up on his offer. You've seen what happens to kids who don't!” Jason says with a whimper of fear.
“And you've seen what happens to kids who do! Trust me Jason. We don't need Craig. Soon I'll be old enough to work at the bar, and we'll get money and move away from this place.” Alexandra says with a false confidence.
It doesn't work. Jason shakes his head, crawling back behind the crates. Without another word, Alexandra follows him. They sit in wait quietly. Jason is like a small statue. His thin, ten year old body easily hidden behind the large crates. Finally, their patience is rewarded with another man. Alexandra repeats her earlier performance, stumbling out onto the road and collapsing. They are in luck. The man runs to her aid. Before the man can even touch Alexandra, Jason leaps out from the crates, ramming into the man softly and sprints away. The man stumbles, looking at Jason as he runs. A realization hits him and he checks his pockets. Jason dives into an alley, barely able to breath, his chest heaving up and down. The man charges after Jason, unsure of which way he went. As soon as the man was out of sight, Jason and Alexandra regrouped, running the opposite way. They turned left down an alley and crept behind an abandoned cart. Alexandra looks hopefully at Jason. Jason opened his hand, dropping ten golden coins onto the ground, along with a small pouch. Alexandra beamed.
“This is good. We have what we need for today. What's in the pouch?” She asks as she picks it up.
She shakes it, and yet no sound comes out. She opens it and pores the contents next to the coins. It is a glittery red powder. Alexandra looks at it with great interest.
“What do you think it is? Crushed jewels?” She asks as she pools it into her hands.
“We should ask someone.” Jason says simply.
Alexandra nods. The pickpocketing duo steal away through the city, avoiding people who could recognize them. Twice they passed Craig, who was busy speaking with his cronies. They find the one man in Old Town that they feel they can trust. A older policeman by the name of Johnathan. Johnathan is a tall man, nearly six and a half feet tall, with a great curly brown beard. He wears his police uniform with pride. It is easy to see that he cares deeply about his position from his uniform, which seems to have been taken better care of than Johnathan himself. Alexandra walks towards Johnathan, holding the pouch tightly.
“John! It's Alexandra and Jason.” Johnathan's partner Victor says, leaning leisurely against the wall behind them.
“Alexandra! Jason! What a pleasant surprise! What brings you to my humble post?” Johnathan says in a huge voice.
“We found this pouch!” Jason blurted.
“Shh! We found this pouch and we don't know whats in it. It’s some kind of shiny red powder.” Alexandra says as she covers Jason mouth.
Alexandra hands the pouch to Johnathan, who inspects it carefully. A orchestra of hmm's and umm's echo from his throat before handing the pouch back to her.
“I'm no expert on powders, so you may want to show this to the Jeweler Grant.” Johnathan says as he hands the pouch back to Alexandra.
“Grants a real wiz' when it comes to useless crap.” Victor says in his lizard gruff voice.
“He's in the Old Town market all day. He's easy enough to find.” Johnathan says while glaring at Victor.
Alexandra smiles, satisfied with the result of her question. She grabs onto Jason's wrist, pulling him softly along as she moves towards the Old Town market.
The Old Town Market is a desolate place, much like the rest of Valerac. There are only a few carts, and even then the carts have very little to sell. The market itself is in a culdisack-like section of the city that connects with the city’s main gate, as well as a road to basically every location in Valerac. Alexandra pulled Jason along towards the cart of the Jeweler Grant.
Grant is a portly man who by any stretch of the imagination thought far too much of himself. He speaks using words that he either doesn't know the meaning of, or simply don't exist. He wears an array of metals that he has polished himself, and claims them to be rare medallions from kingdoms long since forgotten. His pudgy face is framed by a mustache that curved up and almost meets with his cinnamon brown hair, which sits on his head like a strip of tape. Grant wears what he considers “grand” crimson cloths that doesn't just hang from his body, but rather sags.
Grant looks down at Alexandra the moment she comes within two yards.
“Ah, if it isn't my most wondrous customer! What marvels and magicals may I interest you in?” Grant says in a opera-like voice.
“I'm not here to buy. I want your opinion on something.” Alexandra says simply.
“Something, anything, however you may need it! The splendorous thing about children is that they always have some bibbel or bauble to show. Well, go on and show me!” Grant says in a grand tone.
Alexandra looks to Jason, who quickly presents the pouch to Grant. Grant quickly lifts the pouch from Jason's filth covered hands, and carefully pours the a small bit of its contents onto his cart. He looks at it carefully, shifting the small pile with his finger, moving it in all sorts of different shapes and sizes. He even smells it lightly, before letting out a soft chuckle.
“My dear girl, this unwarranted powder is nothing more than crystallized crushed rose pedals. You'll find they are no more valuable than a regular rose.” Grant says as he pushes the powder back into the bag.
Jason looks up at Grant, noticing that his face was becoming lightly red, and that he was beginning to sweat. His hand fidgeted lightly with the bag as he held it tightly in his hands.
“Well, if it really is that worthless, you won’t mind giving it back.” Alexandra said, obviously noticing the odd behavior.
“Oh, but this little bauble would be of no use to someone like you. What do you say I just take these off your hands...?” Grant says, slowly losing his lush “vocabulary.
“If there's one thing a alley kid knows, it's that nothing is useless. I'll find a use for it. Unless you want to buy it?” Alexandra says slyly.
Grant mumbled to himself, realizing he's been trapped. He turns his back to the children, fumbling through the cart. He turns back, tossing three gold coins onto the ground.
“Here! Payment! Now please, leave! You are blocking the way for other customers!” Grant says, trying not to bark.
Alexandra nods, gathering the coins and leaves the cart. Jason follows behind her eagerly.
“Can we get some food now? Please? I'm starving!” Jason says pleadingly.
“Now? Now we can eat.” She said nodding.
Since they were in the market, Alexandra decides to just buy two loaves of sourdough bread from the bakers cart. They aren't exactly what Jason would call a delicacy even though they only cost four gold each. The bread was almost as dirty as the children themselves, but Jason doesn't mind. He tears into the bread, forcing down the sour, dirty food. Alexandra removes the crust, making sure there is no dirt on the bread before eating it slowly and calmly. Jason finishes quickly, tears running down his cheeks.
“Jason? Jason, what’s wrong?” She asks between small bites.
“I can't do this anymore. I'm tired of it! Eating dirty bread, stealing from people just so we can get stolen from! This isn't how humans live! I just can't do it anymore!” Jason says, curling up into a ball.
Alexandra looks at her brother sadly.
“Don't worry, Jason. We'll make it through. We always do. We'll get the money and run away together, and we'll never have to see Valerac again!” Alexandra says hopefully.
Jason ignores her, sitting in his ball. Every once in a while, Jason shivers or quivers. Alexandra sits beside him, hopeless and depressed. For her brothers sake, she refuses to cry.
Finally, Jason sat up. Alexandra looked at her brother with renewed vigor.
“Come on, lets go to sleep.” She finally said as she walked down the road.
Jason nodded, following her. His eyes were red, and pink bags were forming underneath them. They walked through the Old Town market, and took the eastern road towards Castle Fair Gardens. They turned into an alley, following down the wet, deserted road until they came to a metal wall. Alexandra and Jason squeezed through to a small nook which was covered with three fairly dry blankets, which Jason and Alexandra had stolen years ago. Alexandra lays a blanket out, then lays down and covers herself with one of the blankets. Jason lays down next to her, covering himself with the other blanket.
Alexandra quickly falls asleep, but something keeps Jason up. Something seemed to poke at his insides. Not a pain, just a feeling. A feeling of something to come. He couldn't sort out what it was, whether it was hunger or premonition. He watched as the sun sets then finally forces himself into sleep.
Jason is rousted from sleep by Alexandra. Jason opens his eyes slowly, welcoming the sunlight. He reluctantly crawls out from the blanket. Alexandra offers him a clean pieces of bread. Jason takes it thankfully, eating it with the same ravenous vigor. He smiles slightly, a warm feeling bubbling up inside him. Something good was going to happen. He knew it.
“Where did you get the bread?” Jason asked between mouthfuls.
“I stole it from the cart when Dean wasn't looking.” She said simply.
“Did you eat something already?” Jason asked.
“Of course. I ate my loaf while I walked back here.” She said simply.
Jason saw breadcrumbs on her dress, and nodded. After Jason finished his bread, he and Alexandra spent the rest of the morning watching Castle Fair Gardens.
“How many people do you think live in there?” Alexandra asked Jason.
“I dunno. Lord Fredrick doesn't come out much, so I guess not that many.” Jason said.
“What do you think Lord Fredrick is like? Do you think he's a nice person?” She asked.
“He's rich. He doesn't need to be nice.” Jason said.
“How much money do you think it would take to live in that castle?” She asked.
“I don't know, a lot?” He said, her constant questions annoying him.
“God, I wish I could live in a castle like that. With servants, and cloths and food.” Alexandra said longingly.
“I don't.” Jason said bluntly.
“You don't? Why not? Everyone wants to be rich.” She said.
“Not me. I don't want money. I want to be an adventurer or something. A bandit or pirate. You know, someone who lives a life with lots of danger and excitement. It would be so boring to sit around in a castle all day. I don't need anything like that. All I need a sword and a chance to prove myself.” Jason said.
Alexandra said something, but Jason ignored her. He was lost in thought. He pictured himself, maybe ten years from then. Laughing as he plundered the seas with rapier and pistol in hand as a pirate, or ambushing rich people with naught more than his sword and wits as a bandit. Maybe a bounty hunter, firing arrows at villains as they ran in terror, or even a soldier, marching of to battle to prove his mettle to his lord. Jason chuckled, imagining what his life could be like. Alexandra snapped him out of it with a strong push. Jason sat on the ground for a moment, then looked up at Alexandra.
“What was that for?” Jason asked as he got back up.
“I don't like being ignored!” Alexandra said simply.
Jason shook his head as he stood up. He wanted to say something, but found himself unable to form the words. He stood dumbly for a few seconds, then finally pushed her back.
“Hey!” Alexandra said as she stood back up.
Jason smirked playfully, and sprinted out of the alley. Alexandra chased after him, brushing her hair out of her face. Jason looked back at Alexandra to taunt her, and ran directly into a man. Jason stumbles to the ground, not knowing what, or in this case, who he hit. The man reeled back at Jason.
“You little street rat! What did you steal?!” He said lunging at Jason.
Jason rolled, just barely dodging the man. Jason scrambled frantically to stand. Alexandra was soon there, standing between the angered man and Jason.
“Get out of the way girl! That little punk stole from me!” He said.
“What did he steal?” Alexandra asked.
The man stood dumbstruck, realizing he hadn't checked if anything was gone. He quickly skimmed over his person, before glaring daggers at Alexandra and stomping off. Alexandra helped Jason up, who was shivering like an abused dog. Alexandra patted his head softly.
“It's okay. He's gone.” Alexandra said soothingly.
Jason couldn't speak. He choked on his own mouth. He hugged his sister tightly, silently crying his eyes out. Finally, he stopped crying, and Alexandra took him back to their cot in the alley. Jason curled up underneath both blankets. He still shook, remembering the man’s face. The fear he felt.
Alexandra looked down at her brother with sad eyes. She watched him for a while, then left.
Soon, Alexandra shook Jason. Jason sat up slowly, roused from a peaceful nap.
“Jason! The Magister salesman is here! Calcifer! He's in the market!” She said excitedly, pulling Jason up.
As soon as Jason heard the name Calcifer, his energy returned. The two bolted as quickly as possible to the Old Town Market, being careful not to bump into anyone. Jason and Alexandra were soon among a small crowd of people In the middle stood a man dressed in purple, yellow and pink clothes, covered in colored stones and wore his beard with a small pink bow at the end. The man’s mustache was small, and curved in on itself. This was the Magister Calcifer, the magic traveling salesman.
“...And my next item is a rather one of a kind item. This magical mirror! Look inside, and it shall make you beautiful beyond imagining, but I should warn you, the magic only works when it is dark! Do i hear twenty gold?” Calcifer bellowed proudly.
Jason instantly knew that Calcifer was lying, yet he noticed the reaction of the crowd as different than expected. Men and women alike started murmuring, looking at themselves with their own mirrors. Even Alexandra sneaked a peak at herself in a small compact. Finally, a rather plain woman bought the mirror at a “bargain” for ten gold.
“My next item is this! It is a...” Calcifer looked at the item he held with odd curiosity.
It was a small, well decorated music box. Jason looked at it curiously. He had an odd feeling when he looked at it.
“This is... a magical music box!” Calcifer finally “determined” with a loud voice.
The crowd instantly groaned and began to disperse. Alexandra pulled Jason away, though Jason protested and struggled. The Magister saw he was losing his crowd and tried desperately to get them back.
“Wind it up and it will grant you any one wish! Only five gold for a wish!” he said even louder than before.
Alexandra turned and tried pulling on Jason with both hands, but lost her grip and fell backwards. Alexandra landed at the feet of a bizarre looking woman, who seemed to be looking at the man.
The woman was old, probably seventy at least, and wore deep purple robes that at golden edges. She almost looked like she didn't belong in the same universe. Jason and Alexandra stared at her in strange awe, unable to look at anything else. Suddenly, she spoke, though softly it was easy enough for Jason and Alexandra to hear.
“Foolish man. He doesn't realize the only item he has of any true magical value is the very box he's trying to pawn away...” She said, before turning her back to them and walking away.
Jason stared at the woman, who seemed to glide, rather than walk. Finally, Alexandra stood.
“Jason... do you think she was telling the truth...?” She asked, looking at Jason.
Jason stood, thinking.
“I think we should buy it! We have the money and we can always steal more!” Jason said enthusiastically.
Alexandra nodded. Jason watched as his sister walked to Calcifer hesitantly. He heard Calcifer laugh loudly, giving her the music box and taking their last five gold. Alexandra walked back to Jason, holding the music box gingerly in her hands. Jason looked at it eagerly. Alexandra looked up at Jason.
“We should go back to the alley before we make our wish.” Alexandra said quickly.
Jason nodded and they rushed to their alley. As they ran, Jason looked up at the sun, which was already setting, tearing the sky into an orange and pink storm.
Finally, they reached their cot. Alexandra set the music box on the cot. Jason looked at it quizzically, then looked at his sister.
“Alexandra, I can't think of anything. You wish for something.” he said.
Alexandra looked at the box, then at their surroundings. Then something caught her eye. The beautiful Castle Fair Gardens. She looked at the box, and began winding it up.
“I've got it. I wish that me and Jason could go to Castle Fair Gardens and meet lord Fredric!” She said.
She finished winding the box and quickly took a step back. They watched the box as whirring sound began echoing. Finally, the box starting playing a beautiful melody. Jason and Alexandra looked at it. Jason was about to say something when a blinding light erupted from the box. The music started playing faster and faster. Jason and Alexandra shielded their eyes from the light, unable to keep their eyes open. Finally, and loud dong sounded, and the music stopped. Jason slowly opened his eyes, and the box was gone. Alexandra opened her eyes to, and quickly looked around. They were still in the same alley, with the same blankets and the same cloths. The only thing that had changed was that the box had vanished.
“Maybe it takes a while for the magic to work?” Alexandra said, nodding confidently.
Jason nodded. The light and vanishing proved it was truly magical. Jason and Alexandra silently went to sleep, dreaming of what their life would be like if their wish came true. And it would, but not how they would think. For they weren't the only ones who had seen the light from the box.
High up in Castle Fair Gardens, a man stood with a large telescope, peering down at Jason and Alexandra.
“At last, I've found it...”
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